Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Summer Fun!

Since I plan on making photo books based on my blog, I want to try to do a better job of uploading picture to the blog. Even if they are every day events...and I do go overboard on the amount of pictures I post.
I have a feeling we're going to be spending a lot of time outside this summer! Between the swing, slide, balls and bike rides - Kimber is going to want to be outside all.the.time. And I love being outside, so I'm excited to enjoy it too!
I'd say she likes her swing...just a little bit!

She's not big enough to crawl up her slide alone yet. Her daycare provider does have a slide that she can crawl up & slide down herself. I might try to see if I can find a similar one for our house. But she loves when we sit her on the slide & help her go down it.

A $1.15 ball from Walmart = hours of entertainment!
Better yet. Free grass & rocks = even more entertainment!
We just have to watch her very close because she likes to put everything in her mouth!


We've had this bike for about 1 1/2 weeks. I have already taken about 500 trips up & down the driveway. I usually grab her sippy cup & puffs, play Pandora on my phone and off we go! Some days, I grab a beer...or two...for the trip!


If you need to reach me over the next 3 months...try our yard first. Chances are I'll be pushing her in the swing or taking her for a walk!

1 comment:

  1. Love that bike! We're outside constantly too, not sure how that's going to work with the new baby but we'll see.
