Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kimber's newborn pictures

We had Kimber's newborn pictures taken when she was only 8 days old.
We went to our usual photographer - he has taken our engagement, wedding, maternity and family pictures. Although, his specialty isn't newborn photography - he did a great job!!
I'm not a super frilly type of girl, so I didn't go all out with bows & headbands for her first pictures.  Nick's sister made Kimber this elephant hat {with a pink flower} and I love how the pictures turned out! She looks like a girl without it being overdone.
I thought we might be able to get some naked baby pictures, but Kimber likes to be swaddled and doesn't like to be cold so we weren't able to get any.
But look how cute she is all bundled up!!
Mommy & Baby Kimber - melts my heart!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Blake Thomas Schuler

Blake has always been a fun-loving & outgoing little boy. I created this video for Blake's benefit last year and I love how it shows his upbeat personality. Even as he's gone through his battle with cancer he has kept that spunky personality!!

We love you so much!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Kimber: One Month Old

Our little Kimber turned one month on June 29. I can't believe how fast the first month has gone by! It seems like we were so busy...yet didn't do that much at the same time!

Weight: 9 pounds, 10 ounces {estimate}.

Height: 21 inches {estimate}.

Diaper Size: Newborn.

Clothing Size: Newborn for all sleepers and most outfits. She is wearing some 3 month outfits (mostly Carter's brand) if they're rompers/dresses but leggings are still too long. I'm loving all the summer rompers on her - they're so cute!!

 Sleeping:  Sleeping 3-4 hours between feedings at night. She does a great job of eating at night when she wakes up - typically I feed her & change her diaper and am back in bed in 30-40 minutes.

She's still sleeping quite a bit during the day. Typically awake for 30-60 minutes after a feeding but then is ready for a nap.

During week 3, her fussy time (7-9pm) got worse than normal. From what I read, this is typical for this age due to a growth spurt. After 4 hours of whining/crying one night and us trying everything to sooth her - we realized the only thing that was working was a pacifier. As much as we didn't want to have a paci baby, we decided it was better to give her one than to have her cry to hours!

FoodShe is nursing every 2-3 hours during the day and typically every 3-4 hours at night.  
Things to note:
This spring has been LONG with all the rain - Nick is still working on getting things done on the farm. The crops are finally planted but now he's working on spraying. He goes to his full time job during the day and then heads up to the farm after work and on the weekends to spray. So I've been home alone all day with Kimber for about 2 weeks straight...and it gets to be mentally exhausting!!

As mentally exhausting as it is, the good parts outweigh the hard parts!!

Kimber spits up quite a bit. Good thing I made so many burp clothes while I was pregnant.

Kimber still loves bath time. She doesn't try at all during the bath...until you take her out and put her on the towel. But once you wrap her up - she's fine again.

Kimber was born with an umbilical hernia. The pediatrician pointed it out to me at her 2 week appointment. She said that most of them resolve without treatment (surgery) by the time they are 12 months old, but we need to keep an eye on it. Nick also had an umbilical hernia when he was born and they are hereditary.

It's obvious from pictures, but Kimber was also born with a stork bite on her forehead and eyelids.