Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kimber's Valentine's Day Card

When my daycare provider told me they were going to have a Valentine's party, I was excited to create a Valentine's day card from Kimber! Since most of the kids are young and I wasn't sure what kind of candy they could eat - I decided to do a goldfish valentine. I know they all love goldfish at snack time and I'm sure they'll have enough candy & sugar that day!
I found this free printable online and it was super easy and inexpensive! All I needed was white cardstock {which I already had at home}, snack bags and  a box of goldfish.
Kimber tried to help me make them, but she just wanted to stick everything in her mouth so Nick gave her a bath while I finished them up. It took me maybe 30 minutes to make them and they turned out so cute!

1 comment:

  1. So funny I did these for Hayden's Valentine's last year and sort of dropped the ball on this year so I am doing the same thing again haha!
