How far along? 35 weeks.
Baby Size: Baby H is 18 inches and 5.25 pounds. The size of a honeydew melon.
Total weight gain: 38 pounds. {I was pleasantly surprised when I got on the scale - I thought it was going to much more than this! I'm feeling HUGE these days!!}
Maternity clothes? All maternity. I had to buy some inexpensive sandals/flip-flops in a bigger size to get through the last couple weeks - my swollen feet make it hard to wear my regular size shoes.
Maternity clothes? All maternity. I had to buy some inexpensive sandals/flip-flops in a bigger size to get through the last couple weeks - my swollen feet make it hard to wear my regular size shoes.
Sleep: What's that?!? I really go in spurts - some nights I sleep through the night and don't even get up to go to the bathroom. Other nights - I can't get comfortable and wake up several times a night!

Miss Anything? Same ol' stuff - Bending over/moving normal/working out/pre-pregnancy body.
Movement: Lots of big movements where I can see my belly moving all over the place! Nick & I like to try to figure out what body part is poking out!!
Food cravings: Nothing.
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Either I'm getting used to these symptoms or they're not as bad because I don't notice most of the early symptoms anymore. The main symptom that I notice is the swelling of my feet and pain in my feet - which doesn't really surprise me because I've always had issues with feet pain.
- Nose Bleeds/Stuffy Nose.
- Pregnancy hoof.
- Pregnancy paw.
- Tailbone pain.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Rib pain - The rib pain isn't as bad as it used to be...maybe the baby is dropping?!?
- Swelling - my feet were HUGE on Sunday evening! Between being on my feet most of the day & the 80 degree weather - they were large!! Luckily, Nicky rubbed them for an hour that night and they felt better!
- Linea Nigra - I have a faint brown line that runs down my belly.
Gender: I think we may have finally decided on a middle name for a boy!! But...I'm still feeling like we're having a girl.
Have you started to show yet: You know your belly is HUGE when even men start commenting on it and ask if I'm due any day now?!? Nope, still have 5 weeks left!
Mood: Feeling so lucky. I've had several people tell me how amazing of a dad Nick will be...and I couldn't agree more. I couldn't imagine a better daddy for my baby.
Stretch marks: As large as I am - I'm not sure how I don't have any stretch marks!!
Belly button in or out: In.
Wedding ring on or off: Off.
Labor Signs: I finally decided to do some reading up on Braxton Hicks contractions and realized I've been having these symptoms for about 2 weeks now. They don't hurt at this point - it just feels like a combination of pressure and menstrual cramps.
I feel like I've made some real progress on the nursery! One set of the curtains are hemmed {I'm hemming the other set this weekend}, baskets/storage is figured out and drawers are organized. Now it's just time for the final touches - decide what to hang on the walls mostly! Can't wait to see it all finished...and to have a baby in the crib!!
As big as I am - I'm not really uncomfortable during the day. It's only at night - when I'm sitting on the couch or when I'm laying in bed that I feel uncomfortable - mostly because it's hard to move all this extra weight around when I'm on a soft couch/bed. People keep asking if I'm uncomfortable and ready for the baby to be here...and I don't feel that way {yet}. Ofcourse, I'm ready to meet the baby...but I want him/her to stay inside alittle longer to make sure s/he's healthy.
Nick & I started watching the childbirth dvd's this week {we decided not to attend the 8 hour class at the hospital and watch the video's instead}. I feel like I've already learned a lot and we've only watched half the videos - hopefully they will help us be prepared for the labor & delivery!!
I'm excited to get together with my college friends this weekend for a baby shower for Baby H! We're going to do pottery painting, dinner & gifts and then have a slumber party at my house. With some of the girls living several hours away & everyone busy with jobs, families and life - it's hard to get together, so I'm excited to spend time with them!!
I feel like I've made some real progress on the nursery! One set of the curtains are hemmed {I'm hemming the other set this weekend}, baskets/storage is figured out and drawers are organized. Now it's just time for the final touches - decide what to hang on the walls mostly! Can't wait to see it all finished...and to have a baby in the crib!!
As big as I am - I'm not really uncomfortable during the day. It's only at night - when I'm sitting on the couch or when I'm laying in bed that I feel uncomfortable - mostly because it's hard to move all this extra weight around when I'm on a soft couch/bed. People keep asking if I'm uncomfortable and ready for the baby to be here...and I don't feel that way {yet}. Ofcourse, I'm ready to meet the baby...but I want him/her to stay inside alittle longer to make sure s/he's healthy.
Nick & I started watching the childbirth dvd's this week {we decided not to attend the 8 hour class at the hospital and watch the video's instead}. I feel like I've already learned a lot and we've only watched half the videos - hopefully they will help us be prepared for the labor & delivery!!
I'm excited to get together with my college friends this weekend for a baby shower for Baby H! We're going to do pottery painting, dinner & gifts and then have a slumber party at my house. With some of the girls living several hours away & everyone busy with jobs, families and life - it's hard to get together, so I'm excited to spend time with them!!
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