Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kimber: Sixteen Months Old

A week late with Kimber's 16 month post...not too bad considering how busy we have been the last month!

Between getting the new house organized, painting the entire house {which actually my MIL and SIL did most of the work, so I can't complain too much about that},  traveling to Sioux Falls for a week for work {and taking Kimber with me since our daycare provider was on vacation and Nick was in the fields} and getting new flooring throughout the entire main level of the house - I've been all over the place, unorganized and exhausted!! I am ready for more low-key lazy days. Which ofcourse, is not going to happen anytime soon since Nick is in the fields and I'll be a 'single' mom for the next 2 months. That makes me tired just thinking about it!!

BUT...this post isn't about me. It's about Kimber. So let's talk about her.

 I've always been a toddler person ever since I was little. I've never been much of a baby person, but once they turn 18 months {give or take a couple months} they are SO.MUCH.FUN!! And Kimber has not disappointed!! She is learning something new everyday. She repeats so many words. She is playing with new toys everyday and really understanding how they work. She is interacting with other kids/adults in a new way. She gives the best hugs & kisses. She has the silliest little personality {which she gets from her daddy}. Most days I can't get enough of her!!

Even though I want to say she's the perfect baby and never does anything wrong, that would be a lie.  She is throwing temper tantrums like a pro. She is hitting {mostly mom} when she is told no or can't vocalize what she wants. She bites when she is frustrated {this has only happened a couple times, but we make sure to correct her to stop this behavior as fast as possible}. She is not always great about playing on her own at home and will whine to be held...while I'm trying to get ready or make dinner when I can't really be holding her.

So pretty much - I've probably described all 16 month old kids above.

Weight: 26.2 pounds
Height: 32.0 inches
Diaper Size: Size 4.  
Clothing Size: 24 months or 2T - depending on the size. We've moved up from 18 month to 24 months or 2T. I've bought all her fall/winter clothes in a bigger size since she'll have time to grow into it. Some of it is a little big on her & we have to roll the sleeves on her long-sleeved shirts, but at least her belly isn't hanging out of her 18 month summer clothes anymore!

I've also been obsessed with buying shoes for Kimber this month! Kimber's feet are on the small side {size 4} so trying to find walking shoes in size 4 is hard. I ordered Tiny TOMS for her and they were adorable BUT too small. So I ordered them in a size 5 - and they are HUGE. So now I have to wait until her feet grow to fit into them. I'm also on the search for a pair of boots for the farm, but again - they all start in size 5 so I might just have to buy a bigger size and extra thick socks!!

Sleeping:  What a rollercoaster ride. Sleep is Good. Then Bad. Then Good. Kimber was sleeping great at the beginning of the month. She was adapting to the new house and starting to sleep thru the night again. AND THEN...I had to travel to Sioux Falls for work and she went with me. She didn't sleep for crap on the trip! She was up several times at night. After 4 nights of this - we were both exhausted. She even feel asleep in the highchair at daycare {which she never does!}. After getting back from the trip, our new flooring was being installed in our house. We having been spending time at Gramma & Papa's after work since she can't run around the tack strips and tools. And again, this threw her off schedule and she wasn't sleeping the best. BUT she has slept thru the night the last 3 nights...so I'm hoping we're getting back to sleeping well again.

When we first moved into the house, we noticed when she woke up at night she felt cold. We figured that was the reason she was waking up, so we started putting footy fleece pajamas on her at night and that has really helped her sleep better {and thru the night more!}. In our old house, her room was really warm so we put lighter pajamas on her, but in the new house her room is much cooler so she needs warmer jammies at night!

Kimber is down to one nap a day.  She'll take anywhere from a 1.5-3 hour nap in the afternoon
Food: Table food & Cows milk. 

I have been doing better at making meals this month. I'm getting into a routine of making our weekly meal plan & grocery shopping on Sunday. I usually don't make a separate meal for Kimber {unless things are running late and I won't have dinner ready at her normal time}. I want her to get used to eating the same meals as us. She doesn't always eat what I put on her plate, but she has to try it before I will put anything else on her plate.

I've also learned not to put watermelon or grapes on the plate with the main dish. The girl LOVES her fruit and will fill up on it and not even eat her main dish.

Kimber & Daddy usually have a dessert after dinner. Most nights, it's 1 or 2 oreos. Kimber will twist open the oreo and only eat the filling.

This last month, I did something for the first time when I went grocery shopping - I bought chicken nuggets and French fries. These are not foods that I make in my house. Don't get me wrong, I eat unhealthy food including French fries...but just not at home only when I go out to eat. But Kimber loves them and it's an easy go-to meal when I get home late from work. Nick thinks we'll be buying a deep fat fryer now to cook it in...that's NEVER gonna happen - I'll stick to baking them in the oven!

Kimber still does not like hamburgers. She'll eat hamburger meat in other things - spaghetti, taco meat or casserole. But just a plain hamburger - she won't touch it!

She is still on the same cow's milk routine:  in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare} 

Favorite Foods:  hotdogs, ham, chicken strips/nuggets, pork chops, steak, ribs,
cooked carrots, mac & cheese, french fries,
bananas, grapes, watermelon,
pancakes, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream

Least Favorite Foods: mash potatoes, hamburgers, green beans, blueberries

Health:  So much for being ear infection free. We took her to the doctor on September 12 and her right ear was infected. So she's back on amoxicillin and drops. She has to take the oral antibiotics two times a day and the drop four times a day. Ear drops suck.

Nicknames: Kimber Sue. Kibber. Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}

Likes {new}: Playing with baby dolls. Kitty. Moo Cow.

Kimber has really started playing with baby dolls this month. She'll carry them around while singing to them or saying "shhh" to get them to sleep. She will then lay them down in the bouncy seat and cover them up. I'm loving the little momma she's becoming!

The girl can't get enough of kitties. She will say "kit-ty" over & over. I'm talking non-stop. When we were at my sister's house, she loved watching the kitty and saying "kit-ty" for hours. BUT the second the kitty came close to her, she'd stand there frozen and start crying. If we approached it & played with it, she was fine but if it came up to her she had a melt down!

Kimber still loves her moo cow that Daddy bought her. She slepts with it at night and most mornings, she is standing in her crib with moo cow in her arms when we go get her. But I feel like we have the best of both worlds...she loves snuggling with moo cow {and it's adorable}, but she doesn't need him. So if she stays somewhere and we don't bring moo cow, she's fine. That's a win/win in my books!

{same as last month}:  Moo. Animal Book. Shoes. Eating/Puffs. Bath time/Showers with Dad.  Music/Dancing. Apple Juice. Giving Hugs/Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Sharing. Being on the move. Swings & Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower. Crawling up the steps. Playing peek-a-boo. WALKING!

Disikes {new}: Ear Drops.

7 days. 4 drops. 4 times a week.
We have to wrestle and hold her down to get her to lay still to do the drops. Luckily, it's not a double ear infection this time and we only have to do  drops in one ear.

{same as last month}:  Changing her diaper {having to lay on her back}. Getting told 'no'.

If Kimber is doing something she's not supposed to and we tell her no, she will point her finger and say "no, no". Sometimes this is followed by her throwing a big fit.
Words {new}:  MeMe. Mine. Traci. Brady. Ashes, Ashes, Down! Corn. Baby. Sissy. So big. Signs More. Signs All Done. Signs Milk.
This month has been crazy with all the new words Kimberis saying!! The words listed above are the ones that I can remember she is saying on a regular basis, but I know there are so many more she is saying. She is basically repeating everything she hears, so she may only say a word one or two times but she can say them. She's also starting to put 2 words together such as "Hi Dada". There are times when she is seems to be talking in full sentences, but we don't know what she is saying. This girl is a talker!!
She has picked up on me and mine this month. When she wants something she will point to it and say "me me". When she is playing with a toy and someone takes it away or if she takes it away from someone, she will say "mine". Looks like we need to teach her how to share!
She has said Traci {our daycare provider} before, but now she is saying it on a regular basis. She has also started saying Brady, who is Traci's son.
Over the last month, Kimber has started singing more. She's sing along when I sing to her at night. And lately, she's been saying "Ashes, Ashes, Down!" and falling to the floor! It's adorable!
While we were at a craft show, Kimber saw a baby in a stroller and said baby. Now she says it to her baby doll all the time. She has also started calling other kids {usually little girls} Sissy, which doesn't surprise me since we call her sissy more than we call her by name.
While at Franny's daycare, Kimber said corn when they were eating lunch and she also signed more at breakfast. I haven't seen her sign it again, but we continue to work with her on more & all done. She will sign all done periodically, but not on a regular basis.
Kimber is signing milk at night when she is ready for her night time sippy. I'll ask her if she wants her milk and she'll say "no", so I'll say do you want your milk please? And she'll sign milk. Apparently, she only wants it if I ask her please?
Words: {same as last month/regular basis}: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay.  Oh.  Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Moo. ha, ha, ha.  Go. Tractor noises. Ah oh. Ow. Please {signs and says}. What's that? Thank you. Again. Mm Hmm.
Words: {same as last month/not regular basis}:Papa. Shoe. Traci. Roma. Kia. Swing.

Things to note:
Nick & Kimber like to growl at each other. They will put something in their mouth {such as a toy} and shake their head and growl. This has turned into Kimber growling/barking at random times at Daddy...or other random strangers. We were are my FIL's field day and an older couple was walking to their car and Kimber was chasing after them 'barking'. Yep, that was my kid.
Like I said at the beginning of this post, Kimber has been hitting more & more. I read in an toddler update that this is the age where they will start hitting because they are frustrated that they can't communicate or vocalize what they want. We are trying to work through this...with includes trying to figure out what she wants, correcting her and putting her in timeout when she lashes out.
Kimber & I took a road trip to Sioux Falls for a week. I had to be at the corporate headquarters for work - which fell the same week that our daycare provider was on vacation, my MIL had a three day work meeting in DM and Nick was in the fields. Since my sister does daycare and lives in the area, I took Kimber with me. Kimber had fun at her daycare during the day while I was at work meetings all day. She learned SO many new things the week she was up there - signed more, said corn, so big and sissy. But she didn't sleep well at night at all. I was SO exhausted after being awake with her for three nights in a row! I was ready to come home and have a break!!
I feel like there is so much more that Kimber starting doing this month, but with it being so busy I didn't do a good job keeping track of it all {I usually keep track of it in an app and it works perfect because I always have my phone with me!} I'll probably have twice as many items next month!!

16 months -  10 teeth.
Kimber's bottom first molars came thru this month. After a full month of swollen gums they finally pushed thru! Even though they were swollen forever, they never seems to bother her {besides one day last month}. So far teething hasn't been that bad, but I've heard the canines and 2 year molars are horrible and I'm not looking forward to those!

Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:


Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19
Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12

Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18
Bottom right molar: September 28
Bottom left molar: September 28

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