Monday, August 26, 2013

I miss you Blakey....

I thought of you today Blakey. But that's nothing new,  I think of you every day. Today marks a month since you passed away and it's been so hard on me. I think of all the memories I've had with with you.
Remember that time we played with Talking Tom on the Ipad? You laughed, which made Talking Tom laugh, which made me laugh, which made Talking Tom laugh...and on & on for 15 minutes straight. We were laughing so hard we were crying.
Remember when you were only a couple days old and Auntie DeeDee came to visited you in the NICU? I skipped a big St. Patty's celebration with my friends to come see you. I knew you were special and didn't want to miss out on meeting you!  I remember holding you for the first time and falling in love.

Remember when you came to my house for Thanksgiving and wanted to help us cook? We'd find little projects you could help with and not get hurt {even though you wanted to use the big knife and cut things}.

Remember your birthday party last year when Batman came to visit you? You were so excited and had the biggest smile on your face!!

Remember when you were little and you would go to the zoo with me almost every year? We had the best time looking at all the animals!

Remember when Auntie DeeDee & Uncle Nick would come to visit you? You would fight with Nick - gun fights or sword fights - anything you could find to get him. When you got tired, you'd crawl up on the couch and snuggle me. Those were the best snuggles in the world.

Remember when you, Daddy and Haley came up to my house in Des Moines to stay with me? We went to Adventureland & the Science Center - we had a blast!
Remember last year at our 4th of July celebration? You had such a great time!! Swimming in the pool for hours! When you got tired of the pool, you went 'hunting' with Uncle Doug.

Remember when we went up to Auntie Oobie's house for Easter? We'd have an easter egg hunt and you had so much fun looking for eggs! It was one of your favorite holidays!

Remember when you were little and Auntie DeeDee would come to your house for no reason but to hang out with you & Haley? I loved those times with you.

Remember when you were in my wedding? You looked so handsome walking down the aisle. And you had such a great time at the reception - dancing the night away with Daddy!

But my favorite memory of you is two days before you passed away. I rushed back to Omaha to see you because Daddy said you weren't doing very good. I walked into the room and told you that Auntie DeeDee and Baby Kimber were there to see you. You reached your arms out to hold the baby. I laid Kimber next to you and you wrapped your arms around her to give her a big hug. She laid next to you for a couple minutes and it melted my heart. I didn't get a picture of it, but I don't need a picture. I'll never forget that moment, ever.

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