Monday, August 4, 2014

Kimber: Fourteen Months Old

Sissy...I feel like you are changing so much each & every day now! Learning something new every time we turn around! A new word, learning to be more mobile, figuring out how to play with toys and new ways to throw tantrums. It's amazing and exhausting all at the same time.

This month was the first time I had issues taking your pictures. You wanted NOTHING to do with them. I'd put you on the chair and you'd cry. I'd pick you up and you'd stop crying. And so it starts...ha! I ended up having to bribe you with toys and puffs to sit still to get some pictures. But the crying pictures were adorable {see the out takes at the end of the post}

This summer has been flying by and I'm trying to enjoy every moment with you. But between getting the house ready to sell and then turning around & getting ready to move and something going on every weekend - I feel like we haven't had enough time to do fun summer type things together as a family! But at the same time, since you're not mobile yet...I don't think you'd get much out of those fun summer things anyways. So I know the memories would be more for me than they would be for you!

Weight: 24.4 pounds {89%}
Height: 31.0 inches {home measurement}
Diaper Size: Size 4.  
Clothing Size: 12-18 months.
Sleeping:  Fourteen months. That's how long it took Kimber to fall asleep in her crib on her own and sleep thru the night. We do the whole night time routine - bath, brush her teeth, sippy of milk, read a book and lay her down. At first, she cried/whined for 5-15 minutes before she fell asleep, but lately she rolls over and falls right to sleep. AND sleeps thru the night!! It is amazing!! I've dreamed of this day for months!! Woohoo!!

She doesn't fall right to sleep every night, but she's so much easier to put to sleep these days and it makes a huge difference in our nighttime routine!

One nap a day at daycare. 1.5-2 hour nap at 1pm. Some days she'll take a short cat nap in the morning {15-30 minutes} - just long enough to get a little more energy until her long nap.
Food: Table food & Cows milk.  She is still on the same cow's milk routine:  in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare}

Kimber is still a good eater. The only time we struggle with her eating is if there is too much going on around her and she's distracted. But overall, she usually eats everything we put on her plate. This month, I gave her pickles to see what kind of funny faces she would make...turns out - she loves pickles! So now, I will give her a pickle spear with supper and she loves it!

Favorite Foods:  hotdogs, ham, chicken strips, pork chops, steak,
cooked carrots, mac & cheese, french fries,
bananas, grapes, watermelon,
pancakes, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream

Least Favorite Foods: mash potatoes, hamburgers, green beans

Health: Ear infection over 4th of July weekend. Well, we thought the ear infection had cleared up but she ran a fever {99-102} all July 4th weekend. Turns out, it was another ear infection {or maybe the same one?!?}. This time they put her on omnicef - which is the strongest antibiotic they have...and also causes diarrhea and yeast infections. Which we had both of this month. After being on this medicine for 10 days and the ear infections STILL not clearing up - she was put on ear drops. 4 drops per ear 4 times a day for 7 days. Kimber hated the drops and it sucked having to hold her down to give them to her.  She would kick, scream and try to get away while we held her down to give her the drops. And our daycare lady had to give them to her twice a day by herself! But after going back for a follow-up, the drops did work and after almost 3 months of ear infections - they are finally cleared up!! Let's hope it lasts longer than 2 weeks this time!
Nicknames: Kimber Sue. Kibber. Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}

Likes: {new} Moo. Animal Book. Shoes.

We picked up a cow stuffed animal at Theisen's a couple weeks ago and Kimber loves it! We ofcourse named it Moo, since Kimber can make that sound. She lights up when hand Moo to her and she gives him a big hug & kiss!

Somewhere along the line, Kimber received an animal book. It's one of those thicker books and it has pictures of all kinds of animals in it. She loves flipping thru the pages. We keep it in the car and it entertains her while we're driving!

Kimber will grab her shoes and try to put them on her feet. When she can't get them on, she'll hand them to me so I can put them on her!

{same as last month}:  Vtech Sit to Stand Walker. Eating. Bath time.  Puffs. Music/Dancing. Standing. Scooting around. Apple Juice. Showers. Giving Hugs.  Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Sharing. Being on the move. Swings. Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower. Crawling up the steps. Playing peek-a-boo. Climbing up her slide.
Disikes {new}: Medicine.

UGH...more ear infections mean more oral antibiotics and more ear drops. Both of which Kimber hates! And I don't blame her. She's been on some kind of medicine for almost the last year straight! I hope she grows out of these ear infections soon!

{same as last month}: Changing her diaper. Getting told 'no'. Face Washed. Being held {during church service}
Words {new}:  Moo. ha, ha, ha. Kia. Swing. Go. Tractor noises.
 I think Kimber is going to take after her mommy and be a talker! It seems like she is picking up a new word every couple of days. She 'talks' non-stop and has even started singing, which is beyond adorable. Every night, I sing 'Jesus Loves Me' to her and she 'sings' right along with me.
Kimber has an animal book that she loves to flip thru. When I point to the cow and ask her what a cow says, she will say "moo". {Well, it doesn't sound exactly like "moo" but she knows what she's saying and so do I} And when I point to the kitty, she will say "kitty, kitty, kitty".
Over the July 4th holiday, Kimber learned 2 new words. Jenny & Ashlee taught her to say "ha, ha, ha". And she had so much fun playing with her cousin Kia that she was saying her name by the end of the weekend!
Kimber LOVES getting pushed on the swing. Every day when I get her out of the cars eat, she points to the swing. I always ask her if she wants to swing and to say swing. After a couple weeks of doing this - she finally said "swing"! But she won't say it in front of Daddy!
I say "1, 2, 3 - Go" when Kimber goes down the slide or 'jumps' off the side of the pool. So she has started saying GO when she scoots on her bottom off her chair or anything she is pretending is a slide.
 Kimber has already perfected the tractor noise when she pushes her toy tractor around. Daddy is proud that she has already learned this sound!
Kimber has said the word 'No' for a while now, but she mostly was just repeating the word. Now she will say it in response to a question and it's so adorable!
Me: Kimber do you want your milk?
Kimber: No
Me: Kimber do you want to go night night?
Kimber: No
She has also started pointing her finger and saying "No, No, No". Not sure where she picked them up, but it's adorable!
Words: {same as last month}: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay. Papa. Oh. Shoe. Traci. Roma. Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.

Things to note:
Kimber is moving so much more now and I want to note the milestones of these dates:
Go from tummy to sitting up: April 2
Pulled herself up for the first time: April 14
Crawled for first time: April 15

Climbed the stairs for first time: May 18
Walked along couch for the first time: May 21
Walked with the walker for the first time: May 31
First unassisted steps: Weekend of July 19
First time standing from sitting position {and not pulling herself up on furniture}: July 27

Kimber started taking steps on her own. The first time I saw it, we were at Gramma & Papa's house. She was pushing her walker around and ran into the wall. She couldn't get it turned around, so she crawled over to the wood trash holder and pulled herself up. Chloe moved the walker for her and it was just far enough away from her that she had to take 2 steps to get to it! Since then, she has started taking steps on her own more & more.

Kimber stayed at Gramma & Papa's house the last weekend in July while Nick & I went to Omaha. While she was there, she stood on her own for the first time!!

We signed Kimber up for swim lessons this summer. Not to learn to swim, but to get her used to the water. Some days she does great and loves the water. Other days, she wants nothing to do with it and is crabby/whiney the whole time. The lessons are at 6pm, which is her usually dinner time, so I've realized that if we give her a heavy snack before lessons she's enjoys being in the water much more!

This child loves to hug & kiss anyone & everyone! I kept wondering where she got this from, but then realized I spend about half the night playing with her and giving her hugs & kisses!! {and so does Daddy!!} Plus, she sees Nick & I give each other a kiss before we leave for work every morning.
14 months -  6 teeth.
No new teeth this month, but she is working on her top first molars.
They are swollen but the teeth have not pushed thru yet.

Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:

Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19
Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12

And the fun crying out takes. These are priceless!!


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