Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Baby H: 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks

Baby Size: Baby H is 3.5 oz and 4.6 inches. The size of an avocado.

Total weight gain: 11 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Nope. Still rockin' the leggings

Sleep: Still sleeping fine. 

Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at our 16 week appointment!!

Miss Anything? Nothing new...still cold meat sandwiches.

Movement: No movement yet. I'm hoping in the next week I'll start feeling something. Whenever I eat something sugary - I sit very still to see if I can feel the baby move, but haven't felt anything yet.

Food cravings: Still no cravings. I have been eating a lot of fruit throughout the day for snacks {apples, oranges, pears} - I love how fresh it tastes.

Anything making you queasy or sick: I went to get my license renewed on Saturday and the room was very hot & stuffy. I felt a little queasy {probably didn't help that I hadn't ate much that morning}, but once I got back out into the fresh air I was fine.

Gender: Nick really wants to find out and said he's been studying ultrasounds so he can determine what we're having. Sorry buddy, not finding out!!

Have you started to show yet: I'm starting to 'pop' this week. By belly is starting to become more round instead of just a rolly polly belly. I have a feeling by next week - I'll have a real baby bump! 

Mood: I'm excited for the holiday season. I've actually finished my Christmas shopping AND everything is wrapped. Normally, I don't even start shopping until a week before Christmas!! I'm excited to think we'll have a 7 month old at Christmas next year!!
Thoughts: While shopping, I stopped at Motherhood Maternity to try clothes on to figure out what size I would wear {since I asked for maternity clothes for Christmas}. They have a belly that you can strap on to see what the clothes will look like when you have a belly. WOW!! That really made it real - I'll have a big baby bump in the next couple of months!!!

I'm not sure what I'm waiting for to start buying stuff for the nursery. I basically have it designed in my head  but I haven't actually bought anything for the room yet.

I realized this week that with several of the girls in the Alden area {Nick's hometown} being pregnant or just recently having babies - there could be 6 of our babies in the same grade!! It's fun to wonder if they'll all be close friends, play sports together, date or even get married!!

Recently, I hit a deer and totaled my car {we escaped without a bruise but the deer wasn't so lucky}. Looking for a new vehicle when you're older is not as much fun. When I bought my last car at the age of 25 - I had 2 things I was concerned about: 1) does it go fast and 2) how does the radio sound with the windows down as I'm driving down the road?!? Now I'm concerned about gas mileage, size, seating, how is the carseat {or 2 in a couple years} going to fit in the vehicle and other things I never thought I'd care about!!

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