Friday, February 6, 2015

Kimber: Nineteen & Twenty Months Old

The last two months have been crazy busy and boring at the same time. I've been so busy at work and when I come home at night, I want to relax and hang out with my little family. Not get on the computer again. I haven't made the time to update Kimber's monthly posts. But I want to have these updates for Kimber's baby book. So I'll try to remember all the changes from months nineteen & twenty...I feel like she is changing so much every single day. New words. New toys. More imagination. I love watching her grow & learn!!

{19 months}
{20 months}

Weight: Will weigh her this weekend and update.
Height: Will measure her this weekend and update.
Diaper Size: Size 5.  
Clothing Size: 2T. 

{19 months}
{20 months}

 Sleeping:  We have a sleeper!!!? {I'm still not 100% that it will stick at this point} It only took 19 months, but I think we finally have a sleeper!!! And of course after I write this, she'll probably regress back to not sleeping through the night. Sometime after the holiday season, we kept Kimber up until 9:oopm instead of putting her to bed at her normal 8:00pm bedtime. AND she slept through the night. So we thought we'd try it again...and that's all it took! And now she sleeps through the night {almost every night}!! And I couldn't be MORE excited. Woohoo!!!
Nap time: One nap a day at 1:00pm for 1.5-3 hours. She's been taking longer naps on the weekends - usually 3-4 hours! The first time she took a 4 hour nap - I kept checking to make sure she was still breathing. She's never took that long of a nap!

{19 months}
{20 months}

 Food: All the food.

I still can't get over what a good eater Kimber is. So far, she isn't picky and will try almost anything we put on her plate. Which I know will probably change as she gets older so I am enjoying it while I can! She doesn't always eat everything on her plate and she goes in phases on what she likes {one week she'll eat mac & cheese and the next she doesn't want it}, but we just go with the flow. We give her a variety of things on her plate and let her eat as much or as little as she wants. We always put whatever we're eating on her plate and a few things we know she likes {such as cooked carrots, green beans, ham, grapes or apples} If she doesn't eat much, we don't force her but we also don't give her snacks the rest of the night to fill her up. I figure if she's hungry she'll eat and if she's not, we don't need to force it down her throat. 

Kimber has really started liking bananas this month. She will eat an entire banana for breakfast or a snack. And I love when she asks for a 'nana'.    

Kimber is developing a sweet tooth...and it'll all because of Daddy! Nick has a HUGE sweet tooth and wants dessert every night. Unfortunately for him, I don't bake. At all. So instead, we keep cookies in the pantry for him. Kimber & Daddy have one dessert a night after dinner. The newest treat she likes is Nutter Butters. On NYE, I made a crock pot chex mix and Nick added M&Ms to it and Kimber picked out the M&Ms and at only them!
Kimber has decided that she's a big girl and doesn't like us to cut up her food. She likes big pieces of food. If we try to cut a piece of meat into smaller pieces, she won't touch it. But if we leave it in one big piece - she'll eat it all.

Nick & I love Mexican food. We make some kind of Mexican meal at least once a week {tacos/quesadillas/guacamole} and luckily Kimber is a fan, too! She loves taco meat, cheese and chips & salsa!

She is still on the same cow's milk routine:  in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare} 

Favorite Foods:  hotdogs, ham, chicken strips/nuggets, pork chops, steak, ribs,
cooked carrots, green beans, mac & cheese, french fries, Mexican food,
bananas, grapes, watermelon, apples, pears
pancakes, donuts, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream, granola bars, nutter butter

Least Favorite Foods: mash potatoes {still keeping this as least favorite since she's only ate it once}, hamburgers, blueberries

{19 months}
{20 months}
Health:  Another month. Another sickness.

On December 16, Kimber got the flu for the second time. It was going around the family, so I wasn't surprised when she got sick. I was surprised, however, when she woke up at 1:00am crying and started throwing up. I was not ready for that! And neither was our washing machine. The hardest part about Kimber being sick at this age is her understanding what is going on. And not wanting to throw up in the puke bucket. She would start getting fussy, so I could tell her tummy was upset and she was going to throw up. I'd hold the bucket up to be ready and she'd push it away and kept turning her head as she was throwing up. I felt like a game show contestant - how much could you catch in the bucket and not get all over her, yourself, the blankets and furniture. Needless to say, I would not have won the game. And we did four loads of laundry.

The flu seemed to linger around for a couple of days. Four days after she had the flu, she had diarrhea Her bottom was so sore and she would cry for 10-15 minutes after I changed her because it hurt so bad. I felt so bad for her!! I tried everything and finally a baking soda bath and Vaseline seemed to help the most. By Sunday, she was much better!

{19 months}
{20 months}
Nicknames: Kimber Sue. Kibber. Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}

I'm really not sure if Kimber knows her name is Kimber since we call her Sissy about 99% of the time. Well, unless she's in trouble and then it's KIMBER NICOLE!

 {19 months}

{20 months}

Likes {new}: Playing with blocks. Shopping Cart.
Kimber got wood blocks for Christmas and we bought her legos this month. She really like to build with them both. She will sit for 30+ minutes and play with them! Nick likes to play with the legos, too. If I'm giving Kimber a bath, I'll come back into the livingroom and Nick has built a castle for Kimber.

Kimber hasn't played a ton with her kitchen she got for Christmas, but she loves the  shopping cart. She will put her baby in it and walk around the livingroom filling the cart with food & toys. She plays with the kitchen more when we have other kids over at the house and they play together.

{same as last month}:  Animal Book. Shoes Bath time/Showers with Dad.  Music/Dancing. Apple Juice. Giving Hugs/Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Sharing. Being on the move. Swings & Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower. Crawling up the steps. Playing peek-a-boo. WALKING! Playing with baby dolls. Kitty. Moo Cow. Smiling. Playing. Tickling. Playing with her belly button {and others}. Papa. Dancing when she hears music. Playing in her room. Books. Puzzles. Jumping on the couch.

{19 months}
{20 months}
Disikes {new}: The feet on her footie jammies getting twisted. And it's the funniest thing ever. Some of her feetie jammies don't have tighter elastic around the ankles, so the feet part get twisted or fall down and it drives her crazy! She will be walking around the house, the feet will get twisted/moved and she'll plop down on her bottom and stick her foot up in the air for us to fix it. And she won't get back up until it's in the exact right place.

{same as last month}:  Changing her diaper/Changing clothes {having to lay on her back}. Getting told 'no'. Time out. Not getting her way.

{19 months}
{20 months}

Words {new}: So many words!
She basically talks non-stop, so it's hard to tell when she starts saying a new word these days. She will repeat almost any word you ask her to say...unless she's not in the mood and then she'll tell you 'no'.
She has even started to talk in full sentences. She'll say things like "I did it" or "I wanna do it".
She sings her ABCs up to letter G. She sings along with nursery rhymes {like Wheels on the Bus; If you're Happy and you know it; Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes}.  
Words: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay.  Oh.  Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Moo. ha, ha, ha.  Go. Tractor noises. Ah oh. Ow. Please {signs and says}. What's that? Thank you. Again. Mm Hmm. Papa. Shoe. MeMe. Mine. Traci. Brady. Ashes, Ashes, Down! Corn. Baby. Sissy. Signs More. Signs All Done. Signs Milk. Kia. Swing. Oops. Down. Roma. Juice. I eat. Out.  Cow. Baaa {like a sheep}. Calls Daddy - Mama. Using words backwards. 

Things to note:
Kimber started waking up dry after her nap, so we started potty training her. We're not rushing into it, but just sitting her on the potty 1-2 times a day to get her used to the potty. Some days, she's really excited about it and tells us "I potty" and we'll sit her on it and she'll go!! Which of course then we do a crazy Pee Pee in the Potty dance! ha! Other days, we ask her is she wants to go potty and she says no and whines if we try to take her, so we've learned not to take her she doesn't want to go. We don't want her to see it as a punishment or be scared of it. We'll take it slow and see when she's ready to be fully potty trained.

I can't get over how fast Kimber is growing up. And she's becoming like all the big kids at daycare! When I first started taking Kimber to daycare, a little boy was about 18 months and wanted to shut the door after I left {apparently, shutting a door is a fun game for kids?!}. One day, I was leaving daycare after I dropped Kimber off and she said "I shut it". Plain as day. And now, she has to shut the door every day when I leave. And when I pick her up from daycare, she runs to her cubby to grab her coat. She sees all the big kids grab their coats when their parents leave, so now she does it. I love it and hate it at the same time!

Kimber is most definitely Nick & my child. She likes her things to be organized. She likes things to be in their place. And she will throw a fit if you move something of hers out of it's 'place'. She picks up her toys at night before bedtime and she knows where all her toys go. She will help us do laundry by handing clothes to us to fold from the basket. If we fold socks, we hand them to her and she lines them up. If you move them, she gets huffy and puts them back in line. She is going to be a Type A personality like her Mom and Dad.

20 months -  12 teeth.
Same story as last month - I didn't even know Kimber was teething. I just happened to feel inside her mouth to see if her tooth had come in {knowing she got her other one last month} and her bottom lateral incisor had already popped through.

Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:

Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19

Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12

Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18
Bottom right molar: September 28
Bottom left molar: September 28
Bottom right lateral incisor: November 20
Bottom left lateral incisor: December 14

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