Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Kimber: Fifteen Months Old

August has been exhausting. Packing, moving, unpacking, organizing, painting, etc...with a one year old is exhausting. We've been off schedule. Out of sync. I feel like we're all dragging and ready to get back into our routine. My goal is to get back on track next month!!

No matter how exhausted I am, the one thing that will put a smile on my face & keep me going is Kimber's smile! She is such a goofball these days! She loves to put things over her head {clothes/blankets}, squeal with delight and run around the room. Usually running into something since she can't see where she is going. That doesn't stop her. She gets right back up and starts again!

I can tell that Kimber is becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler these days. And with that....parenting is becoming more challenging. She can go from being happy & smiley one second to throwing an all out tantrum the next. The tantrums! OMG! About the smallest things. But if it's not Kimber's way...she throws a fit! Nick & I are trying to figure out the best way to correct her, but I know this is only the beginning...

I have no clue what Kimber's weight & height are this month. One of the perks {trying to look on the bright side here} of your kid having lots of ear infections...are lots of doctor's appointments so you always know their measurements. Since we didn't have any doctor appointments this month & Kimber has entered the 'I'm too busy to sit still for even one second' stage - measurements were not taken this month. They were attempted. Just not successfully.

Weight: 24.4 pounds {last month measurement}
Height: 31.0 inches {last month measurement}
Diaper Size: Size 4.  
Clothing Size: 12-18 months. Baby/Toddler sizes are crazy. Kimber can wear anything from 12 months to 24 months - depending on the brand. I went a little crazy on the Carter's website and bought a ton of 24 month clothes for fall/winter. I have also been picking up pieces for next spring/summer when I see them on clearance. I'm hoping the sizing is correct - otherwise, I'm wasting a lot of money on clothes!!

Sleeping:  And we're back to not sleeping well. Between moving to a new house and teething - sleep hasn't been the best this month. The last night we were in our old house, she was up all.night.long. She'd fall asleep in my arms and I would lay her in the crib. Within 10 minutes she'd be up screaming and the second we'd pick her up, she'd stop screaming. We tried to have her cry it out for almost and hour, but she wouldn't fall asleep. I think she could sense something was happening {since her room was empty except for her crib} and she just wanted to be close to Mom & Dad. She ended up sleeping with us {on the air mattress on the living room floor!} which she never does, but we were at the point that we'd do anything to get her to sleep!

We've been in the new house two weeks now and her sleep is getting back to normal. She'll go to bed around 8:30 and wake up around 6:00-6:30am. But it's always a guessing game if she's going to sleep thru the night or not.

Naps are still the same at daycare. 1.5-2 hour nap at 12:30pm. Some days she'll take a short cat nap in the morning {15-30 minutes} - just long enough to get a little more energy until her long nap.

Food: Table food & Cows milk.  She is still on the same cow's milk routine:  in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare}

I have been horrible at making meals this month. With the move, we didn't want a lot of extra food in the house that we'd have to move to the new house. So, Nick & I have had cold meat sandwiches most of the month and Kimber has had hotdogs more times than I'd like to admit. My goal for next month is to get back to food planning for the week and make family friendly {healthy} meals that we can all enjoy.

Kimber did enjoy ribs at Aunt Paige's rehearsal dinner. The girl LOVES her ribs. I really need to figure out an easy recipe for them!

Favorite Foods:  hotdogs, ham, chicken strips/nuggets, pork chops, steak, ribs,
cooked carrots, mac & cheese, french fries,
bananas, grapes, watermelon,
pancakes, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream

Least Favorite Foods: mash potatoes, hamburgers, green beans, blueberries

Health: No ear infections this month!! She did have some drainage in her ears while she was teething, but so far it has not turned into an ear infection. She also ran a fever the weekend of Aunt Paige's wedding, but that was due to teething and it only lasted one day. Considering all her ear issues in the past, I'm going to call this a win in the health department!
Nicknames: Kimber Sue. Kibber. Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}

Likes {new}: WALKING!!!

Not only do we have a full fledged walker, but she's actually starting to run!! Ofcourse, it's not very fast and she looks like a waddling duck...but she's getting there. Sometimes when she walks, she looks like a drunk sailor - it's the cutest thing ever.

{same as last month}:  Moo. Animal Book. Shoes. Eating/Puffs. Bath time/Showers with Dad.  Music/Dancing. Apple Juice. Giving Hugs/Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Sharing. Being on the move. Swings & Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower. Crawling up the steps. Playing peek-a-boo. 


Disikes {new}: Teething.

Those dang bottom first molars. They've had Kimber in pain for over a week. They just need to push thru already!! 

{same as last month}: Medicine. Changing her diaper {having to lay on her back}. Getting told 'no'. Face Washed. 

Words {new}:  Ah oh. Ow. Please {signs and says}. What's that? Thank you. Again. Mm Hmm.
I think it's so funny how Kimber goes thru phases with her words. When she learns a new one - she says it all.the.time. I like to call it her focus word. Until she learns a new one and then she drops that word & won't stop saying the new one. I know that's how kids are at this age, but it's interesting how words she said over & over a couple months ago - she doesn't even say anymore.
Her focus word right now is no. She says it all.the.time. She's starting to get some attitude to her. We'll correct her and tell her to stop doing something and her response? "NO"
Kimber will say Ah Oh when drops something on the floor. Its usually when she throws her sippy cup off her high chair!
Sometimes Kimber will fake fall when she's walking. When she falls down, she'll say Ow. Like she's hurt...but she's not. It's just a game she likes to play!
Kimber has learned to sign & say Please when she wants something. We'll say: "Kimber do you want some milk, please?". And she'll sign & say please. I can't take any credit for this. Traci {our daycare provider} has been working with her on sign language.
I guess I can say that Kimber has said her first sentence. She likes to point to something and say: What's that?
Whenever Kimber hands me something, I say Thank You. She has picked up on this and will say Thank You now when I hand her something.
Kimber likes to crawl into the La-Z-Boy and have us rock her. As in, I rock the chair hard so she bounces all over the place. I say 1, 2, 3 GO...and rock the chair a couple times. When I finish rocking it, she will say Again! This is one of her new favorite games to play.
Kimber  doesn't say yes, but she has started nodding her head yes when we ask her a question. She'll also say 'mm hmm' when she nods her head {instead of saying yes}. I had to google mm hmm, I wasn't even sure if it was a word - but it's in the urban dictionary!
Words: {same as last month/regular basis}: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay.  Oh.  Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Moo. ha, ha, ha.  Go. Tractor noises.
Words: {same as last month/not regular basis}:Papa. Shoe. Traci. Roma. Kia. Swing.

Things to note:
Kimber is moving so much more now and I want to note the milestones of these dates:
Go from tummy to sitting up: April 2
Pulled herself up for the first time: April 14
Crawled for first time: April 15

Climbed the stairs for first time: May 18
Walked along couch for the first time: May 21
Walked with the walker for the first time: May 31
First unassisted steps: Weekend of July 19
First time standing from sitting position {and not pulling herself up on furniture}: July 27
Full Walker!!!: August

I'm not really sure when she started walking more than crawling. It just started happening over the course of the last month. My favorite part of her walking is when she holds my hand and walks next to me. Melts my heart.

While we were packing up the old house, Nick brought the bouncy seat out of the basement. Kimber started putting her baby doll in it and took one of her shirts and covered it up, like it was a blanket. I'm not sure where she caught onto this, but it's so much fun seeing the things she's learned from watching others.

 Kimber will lift her arms up when I am taking her shirt off and she's put her arms in the sleeves of her shirt when she's getting dressed.

Our couch is tall, so up until now Kimber hasn't been able to climb on it. She has started to climb up it and she can now get down by herself by turning around backwards and going feet first.

Kimber is adapting well to the new house. We are working on her room first, so she feels at home. So far, we've painted it and installed the closet organizer. We are getting new carpet at the end of September and we'll finish moving the furniture in at that point. I'm planning on decorating it the same as the old house, since I spend so much time on it just a year ago and I like how it turned out. Since the new house has an open concept - between the kitchen/diningroom/livingroom - she is able to run around more without having to be corralled into one room.

This month we celebrated Paige's bridal shower wedding. Kimber was a flower girl in the wedding.  At the beginning of the summer, I wasn't sure if Kimber would be walking down the aisle. But as it got closer & she started becoming more & more mobile - I thought it might happen! And she did it!! She walked down the aisle!!

15 months -  8 teeth.
Kimber's top first molars came thru this month. They didn't bother her too much when they pushed thru. She got these teeth at the same time we were moving into the new house, so between adapting to the new house and getting teeth she didn't sleep the best during that week.

Her bottom first molars are swollen but the teeth have not pushed thru yet. She started running a fever at Auntie Paige's wedding and by Sunday, she was super crab pants. She had a fever most of the day, was drooling like crazy and overall not in a good mood. On the bright side, I did enjoy a 2 1/2 hour nap with her and lots of snuggle time! 

Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:

Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19
Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12

Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18

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