Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Kimber: Seven Months Old

How can she be 7 months old already?!? Only 5 more months until she turns 1! I am trying to soak in every day because it's so true that babies don't keep. How can my sweet little baby girl already be sitting up like a big girl and eating solids?!?

This month flew by. Between being out of town 3 weekends and celebrating Christmas, we were busy all month long! Add her issues with falling asleep to this mix and I think we were all super exhausted this month. She continues to be a happy, smiley baby during the day but when it comes time to go to sleep at night she's a fussy pants! We're both hoping she grows out of this phase soon.

Weight: 18 pounds 14 ounces {home measurement}
Height: 27 inches {home measurement}
Diaper Size: Size 3.  

Clothing Size: 6-9 month.

Sleeping:  She's sleeping thru the night...if we can get her to sleep. It takes us a good 2-3 hours to get this girl to fall asleep. She fights sleep like a champ. We were putting her to sleep around 7ish, but we've pushed that back because we know she's not going to fall asleep until 10pm anyways.

Here's how the night goes: She'll almost be close...and then she'll open her eyes & get a HUGE grin on her face and start smiling & laughing. She's ready to play! So she does for about 15 minutes. Until the fussy stage hits. Then she can't get comfy no matter what you try and she just whines for 15 minutes or so...until she almost falls asleep...and then she's smiling & wanting to play again. So this happens over & over until she gives in and finally falls asleep. It's exhausting. Nick & I switch every half hour or so. But the good news is once she decides to go to sleep - she's out for the night. So we are getting a full 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

I think she has FOMO {fear of missing out} because she we can't just lay her down & have her fall asleep.  She'll be out. Zonked. Passed out. We'll lay her in her crib & she wakes up the second you lay her down screaming. We've tried to let her cry it out. But she just screams the entire time & gets so worked up that it doesn't work. And listening to your baby cry for 30+ minutes is not easy.

Her naps have been all over the place. With her not being at daycare right now, she's been held during nap times and is not on a regular nap routine. I feel sorry for our daycare provider when she goes back to daycare in a week & she tries to put her back on a nap routine!

Food: Breast milk & Baby food. She is taking a bottle every 4 hours. She takes a 6oz bottle {with 1 oz of water} at 7am, 11am and 3pm. I nurse her at 6pm and around 9pm when we're trying to get her to sleep. She typically eats a veggie for lunch and a meat and veggie for supper.

Health: Healthy! Her ear infection is finally cleared up. It only took 2.5 months and 3 types of antibiotics! Even though her ear infection was gone, we did meet with the ENT doctor on December 20 to talk about options. He did suggest that since she got an ear infection so young & it took so long to get rid of - that she gets tubes if she gets an ear infection again & it takes along time to get rid of. Hopefully, she doesn't get another one...but we'll just have to wait & see.

Nicknames: Kibber. Kimbee Cole. Kimber Sue. Sissy {by mom}, Monkey {by dad},

Likes: {new} "Getting Mommy & Daddy". Jumperoo. Puffs.

{same as last month}: Vtech music toy. Swing. TV.  Playing with her feet. Jumperoo. Sitting up. 

Nick is always "attacking" Kimber's neck and giving her kisses. And I am always giving her kisses on her cheeks. She has been returning the game and "getting mommy & daddy" herself. She usually gets Nick's nose. And she'll open her mouth up wide and get my cheeks! It's so cute!!

Even though she's liked the jumperoo in prior months, she's really started to jump in it more & more. She's able to touch the ground & is getting more leg strength, so she's jumping a lot more than before!

We have started giving her puffs as a snack and she loves them! Some days, I'll pack a couple days worth of them in her diaper bag when she goes up to the farm & Great Grampa will feed her all of them in one day!

DisikesGetting Dressed. Sleep.

She's starting to hate getting dressed. She cries when you put her arms in her onesie or shirt. The crying doesn't last too long and then she's smiley & happy again! We've learned to get her dressed fast!

Like I mentioned in the sleep section. She's not a big fan of sleeping.

Things to note:
Nick & I had a night out in Des Moines for our 3 year anniversary. We went Christmas shopping, out to eat and stayed in a hotel. It was nice to get away and spend time together. Kimber stayed with Gramma & Papa and had a great time!

We took Kimber to visiting Santa and pick out her Christmas ornament. A tradition I want to continue every year.

We had a great time celebrating Kimber's first Christmas. We switch between going to my family & Nick's for Christmas and this year was Nick's family. We went to Gramma Hickethier's for Christmas Eve and attended Christmas Eve service in Alden. On Christmas morning, we were home to open gifts from Santa! Then we headed to Great Gramma & Grampa's house for dinner & more gifts. And our final Christmas was with Nick's parents on Christmas night! Kimber got a lot of great gifts - mostly toys and some clothes. It was a great 2 days of celebrating with family, but we were exhausted and ready to get back to our normal routines!

The weekend after Christmas, Kimber & I headed to Omaha to see Uncle TJ {Nick stayed at home to attend a funeral}. We went to the hospital to pass out donations to families and then went to the cemetery to visit Blakey. It was an emotional day, but I'm so glad that we are able to give back to families that are going through a difficult situation.

Our daycare provider is out on maternity leave for 3 weeks, so Nick has been on daddy daycare duty. Which mostly consists of him taking her up to the farm or his parents and hanging out. Some days he's there to watch her. Other days, he is busy with farm stuff and someone else will watch her. It's great that she's been able to spend so much time with family, but I'm ready for her to go back to daycare and be on a schedule again!

Kimber's hair has really started to come in this month. It's red {like daddy's} and she gets a lot of attention every where we go! I forget that others aren't used to seeing redheads as much, but I'm surrounded by them {with Nick's family} so it's not rare for me to see one daily!

Kimber is still not rolling over or moving. She can sit like a pro and will sit for long periods of time & play with her toys all by herself. Part of me is glad she's not mobile yet and we can leave her in the living room to get things done, but part of me is ready to witness this milestone. I know I'll be eating my words when she starts getting into everything!

We've started using the sippy cup this month and you've gotten the hang of drinking out of it. She can lift it up to her mouth, but needs help tipping it back to get the water out of it. She looks like such a big girl drinking from it!

This girly still doesn't have any teeth. Which I'm completely fine with since I'm nursing her!!

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