Monday, April 14, 2014

Blayner Weekend Wrap-up

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to have a girls weekend with my college girlfriends. It had been too long since our last girls weekend together and we were ready to catch up and have a couple of drinks together!
We decided to meet in Storm Lake this trip since it's centrally located for all of us. So it was back to Beaver Country for us!! It was fun {and different} to hang out in our college town. The last time we were there was in 2010 for our 10 year class reunion.
{All of these pictures were taken on camera phones and some aren't very good quality!!}
Beth, Ann and Megan met me at work and then we headed up to Storm Lake together!
We came to a "screeching halt" {as Megan would say} and made it to campus just before the Campus Store closed, so we were able to pick up a some BVU goodies!
I bought Kimber her first BVU onesie and can't wait for her to wear it!
On Friday night, we went out for dinner and then headed to the bar. The bar was dead. Rumor has it that the college kids don't know how to party like we did when we were in college. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing?!?
Of course, we had to do our Blayner Cottage signature move!
On Saturday, we headed to Boathouse for lunch {and Frickles...fried pickles}, did some shopping on main street and headed to campus for a short tour. The campus is beautiful and there have been so many renovations & improvements to the building since the last time we were there.
We got our picture taken under the arch.
The tradition of the arch at BVU is you pass thru it on your first day as a freshman and pass back thru it on your graduation day.
Another fun fact about the arch: I met Ann on my very first day at BV and we instantly became friends. On our graduation day, we were able to walk back thru the arch together during our graduation ceremony since they line you up by your school {business for us} and your last name {Schuler & Schoeppner}. Love that memory!
We toured the remodeled dorms and the view of the football field & track really took me back to my college days! We went to almost all the home games and I ran around that track too many times to count during track practice!
Our last 2 years at BV, we lived in a college owned house. Each house had a name. Ours was Blayner Cottage. Hence, the reason we call ourselves 'The Blayners'. All the cottages have since been torn down and made into parking lots. We had to get a picture where our house used to stand!
On Saturday night, we went out for dinner and headed out to the bar. This time the bar was a little more lively!!  We could definitely tell we were in a college town - there was a $5 cover and free draws!

I had a great time with my friends and can't wait until the next time we get together!! I love that we can go months without seeing each other and pick right back up where we left off.
While I was gone, Nick and his mom tag teamed taking care of Kimber. She went on her first Easter egg hunt on Saturday and rode on the 4-wheeler with Great Gramma & Grampa. I love that they sent me pictures while I was gone, so I could see how much fun she was having!


  1. Did you get hit on by any college guys?

    1. HAHA! Yes! And they seemed like little babies!!

  2. I didn't know you went to BV and I totally didn't know you ran track either?! Looks like a fun weekend! :)

    1. Yep and Yep! I went there for accounting. And ran sprints {4*100 mostly} & hurdles {open 100} in track for 3 years.
