Monday, November 18, 2013

In the Blink of an Eye...

When I had Kimber everyone told me to enjoy every single moment of the newborn stage because it'll be gone in the blink of an eye. And it's so true! It's such a bittersweet time.  Although, I love seeing my baby girl grow & learn - I miss my little newborn baby!
I can not believe how much Kimber has changed in the last 2 weeks. She must have gone through a growth spurt because there are so many new things she's learned!!
Sitting up: She was sitting up with assistance before, but now she can sit for 20-30 minutes unassisted and play with her toys.
Eating her toes: She's been grabbing her feet for a few weeks now, but recently she started putting them in the mouth. When she's sitting up, but not when she's laying down.
Holding her bottle: She has started holding her own bottle. If she gets distracted & the bottle comes out of her mouth she doesn't have the hand/eye coordination to put it back in her mouth yet.
Fake cough: She has mastered the art of the fake cough. And of course the more attention we give it by saying things like "Oh, that's such a bad cough" - the more she does it. It's so adorable!
Jumping in her Jumperoo: We've been using her jumperoo for a couple of weeks now and she's always played with the toys on it, but hasn't jumped in it. In the last week, she's started jumping more and I'm sure within the next couple weeks she'll be jumping like crazy!!
Reaching for things: She's been reaching for things for a months, but her reaching has changed recently. It's hard to explain but it might be due to her hand/eye coordination getting better? She has started using her thumbs more in the last couple of weeks, too. So that might change how she's grabbing for things. She'll reach out & touch my face. When I go to pull her out of her carseat or pick her up off the floor - she'll put her arms out slightly.

We love to go up to her room & play after daycare. I sat her up last week expecting her to fall over in a matter of seconds, but I was surprised when she sat up for a couple of minutes. By the end of the week, she was able to sit for 20+ minutes and play with her toys!! Now I realize I need to get more toys for her to play with!!


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