Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kimber: 2 weeks old

Kimber had her 2 week appointment yesterday, so I wanted to share her stats & updates on her since her birth.

 ** Kimber's stat's at 2 weeks **

Weight: 9 pounds, 4 ounces {78.29%}. She was born at 8 pounds - the pediatrician said she's doing a great job breastfeeding and gaining weight well.
Height: 20 3/4 inches {60.18%}. Same as her birth height.
Clothing Size: Newborn. I never thought my child would wear newborn clothes!! I thought I'd have a 9 pound+ baby and they would go straight to 0-3 month clothes. This was a surprise to me and I've had to go out and buy several newborn outfits/sleepers for her.
Diaper Size: Newborn. Again, I didn't think I would need newborn diapers. We did receive a couple packages of newborn diapers as gifts at showers so we've had some at home. We've only had to buy one package of diapers so far. We're only buying one package at a time because she probably won't be in them much longer and I don't want a bunch left over.

We like Pampers & Target Brand diapers - the Huggies diapers haven't worked as well.

 Sleeping:  Most nights she is sleeping 3-4 hours between feedings on a good night. There have been a couple nights that she wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours, but luckily that has only happened a couple nights.

She naps throughout the day {and so does Mom when she wants to eat every 1.5-2 hours at night!}. She's typically awake after her second morning feeding {usually around 10am}, late afternoon and from 7-9pm.
When she is awake I interact with her - talking & playing with her or she plays with her activity gym.

She has a fussy time from 7-9pm - so we're working through this and trying to figure out the best way to sooth her during this time.
Food: 100% breast milk. So far the breastfeeding is going really well. She's latched on since the beginning and is getting enough milk {as shown by her weight gain and the fact that she's satisfied after feedings}.

She eats every 2-3 hours during the day and typically 3-4 hours at night.
I've started pumping this week to build up my stash for when I return back to work.
Things to note:
Kimber is a chill baby. She does have her fussy at time night but other than that she's pretty laid back and goes with the flow.
I could hold & snuggle her all day long!! But I do try to put her in her bouncy seat or on the floor for at least one nap a day. I don't want her to get used to being held all day every day. Plus, it give me time to get something done!!
Kimber was holding her head up from the time she was born {when we would hold her against us}. But she's not all about tummy time and only lasts a couple minutes before she starts fussing.
Kimber loves to be swaddled. If she's fussy/crying and we swaddle her, she usually feels comforted and calms down. We use the Swaddle Me wearable blankets at night and she tends to sleep longer when she is swaddled {compared to the nights we haven't swaddled her}
She is sleeping in the Rock & Play next to our bed at night. It's nice to have her close to me in the middle of the night to get up for feedings. I take her into the nursery for feedings/diaper changes during the night so I don't wake up Nick.
On Saturday & Sunday mornings, Kimber gets up with Dad and goes downstairs to snuggle so Mom can get some more sleep {or get ready for church on Sunday morning}. Nick has been an amazing Dad - he's so hands on!! He gives her baths, changes her diapers and gets her ready on the weekends.
Kimber really likes it when Mom sings to her. My go-to song is "Jesus loves me"

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