Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kimber's First Bee-Day: Party Prep

Things have been pretty crazy around our house lately!!!

We have something going on every weekend - weddings, graduations, birthday parties, etc.

We've been trying to get our house ready to sell, which is hard to do when you are gone every weekend and taking care of a baby during the week.

It's planting season and Nick has been in the fields non-stop - so it's just been me & Kimber at home most nights which doesn't leave much time for any extras to get done beyond the normal dishes, laundry, dinner and bath time.

I traveled out of town for work {which was a nice little mini vacation for me} but I had to pack, unpack and get all Kimber's things organized before I went out of town.

On top of everything else, I've been planning Kimber's first birthday party!! And if you know me and my love of party planning - you know how anal I am when it comes to planning parties and the hours of prep work it takes! I'm stressed to the max and am constantly making lists so I don't forget anything, but I love the planning process!!

Before Kimber was even born, I had decided her first birthday party was going to be a bee theme {if we had a girl} and once I make up my mind about a theme - I can't get it out of my mind! Here is a sneak peek at some of her birthday details:


Source: tomkatstudio





The are MANY craft projects that I'm currently working on including {but not limited to} monthly photo banner, rag garland for her high chair, paper banners and tissue poms. Along with making crafts, I am trying to keep up on all the related birthday tasks organized: cake prep {her Auntie Paige is making the cake for her}, ordering cookies, finding enough tables & chairs, setting up the gift table, cake table, drink table and food table, deciding on food & drinks and the schedule for the day.

Yes, this is how my mind thinks. I even draw out how the table is going to look before I put it together. I create many, many lists. I make lists that relate back to a prior lists. It's crazy. And it drives me insane. But I love it.

I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures after her first bee-day party so stay tuned!!!

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