Wednesday, March 12, 2014

To Stand or Not To Stand? That is the question...

At Kimber's 9 month appointment, our pediatrician was concerned that Kimber wasn't rolling over, crawling or standing yet. Honestly, we aren't very concerned because she's such a laid back baby but I wanted to be pro-active in case there is something wrong with her development that we are unaware of. We set up an appointment with AEA to come to our house to do an assessment on Kimber. They came to our house on March 10 and determined that she is behind in some area and will need to do some physical therapy. She ranges from 6-10 months on different skills. Her fine motor skills are great and there are no concerns, but her gross motor skills are lacking. They said most of it is probably due to her laid-back temperament, but it's always good to work on these items earlier and not let her get behind more.
We have a follow up appointment with them in April to review the assessment and to go over what physical therapy moves we will have to work on with Kimber.
Since her 9 month appointment, we've been working on her standing and she's improved so much in just 2 weeks time! She will stand by herself against the ottoman and activity table now. She will go for items that are out of her reach. And she has started sitting down instead of just plopping down on her bottom. It's amazing how far she's come in such a short time period.
Now if she's in a sitting position, she will whine because she wants to stand up. She hasn't figured out how to pull herself up yet. But she will pull up if she grabs our fingers and we help her.
She loves to dance when she's standing up. The girl will rock her booty to any kind of music that we play. It's just too cute!
I have a feeling by the time they come back for her follow up appointment, she'll be doing even more and it'll be even less of a concern.
These picture were taken on Sunday, March 9 - the first day she wore 12 month clothes!! I was holding off as long as possible, but after I couldn't get her 9 month dress buttoned for church - I decided it was time to move her up to the next time. If she's wearing 12 month clothes...that means she's almost 12 months old!! NO!! Say it ain't so! I swear she has gone thru a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks - she looks so much older lately and has learned so many new tricks!

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