Friday, December 11, 2015

Snow Days

The first snowstorm we got this year was a big one - 12 inches of snow on a Friday afternoon! On Sunday afternoon, we bundled Kimber up to play outside. While she was wearing a cute new snowsuit, Nick & I looked like homeless people with multiple layers of clothes!!
If you know me, then you know I HATE snow. I hate the cold weather that goes along with it, having to drive in it and how dirty & gross it looks. The only time I feel it's acceptable is when I'm sitting on the couch on a Saturday morning, snuggled under a blanket with a coffee in my hand. And then I'd like it melted & gone by the time I need to leave the house! 
And I'm pretty sure Kimber got my hate love for snow. She did not like playing in it at all. It took us longer to bundle her up than how long she played outside!
This look on her face says it all!
I thought she would enjoy riding on the sled, but she whined the whole time she was on it and wanted off.

She kept falling over and would get stuck in the snow. She wanted nothing to do with it and wanted us to hold her the whole time.
The only time she was happy outside was when she was playing on the slide or being pushed on the swing!


I'm sure by next year, she'll be old enough that she'll really like playing in the snow. And we do have the perfect hill in our backyard to go sledding down!  But until then? I'm going to enjoy the fact that we don't have to go back out in the snow again this winter!!

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