Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kimber: Twenty Two & Twenty Three Months Old


One month until you are TWO. Time feels like it is flying by!! I really want to do these monthly posts since I have been bad about keeping a baby book, but I feel like I never have time to just sit down and write them. I also feel like it's so hard to capture exactly who you are and what you are doing at the different stages.
You have changed & grown so much in the last two months. Your vocabulary is out of control. You are becoming so independent. You really understand what is going on around you. Overall, you are becoming such a little person and not a baby anymore!
While Mommy & Daddy went on vacation to Jamaica last month, you stayed with Gramma & Papa and had a great time! You were able to hang out at the farm most days with Papa and Abey. And boy, did you love that!! Now you don't go a day without asking with Papa and Abey are. And you get SO excited when we drive by the farm - just the thought of being able to stop at the farm makes you squeal with excitement!
While we were gone, you started saying toot!toot! when you saw a semi and choo!choo! when you saw a train. Throughout the next month, your vocabulary grew even more! You can repeat almost anything we way and can say 4-5 word sentences. Everyone around us comments on how much you talk! It's so much fun to be able to have little conversations with you!
Of course, as we've been moving closer to two and you are growing more independent by the day...the sweet has started to turn into sassy! We butt heads. A lot. I have a feeling it's because we spent a lot of time together {since Daddy is in the fields} and also because we're a lot alike. We both like to get our way and we both want things done a certain way.
I love that you understand what is going on more & more. One day, we were going to the farm and were sitting at the end of our driveway and I asked you which way to the farm and you pointed in the right direction!
I love to watch you grow and learn something new every day! You continue to amaze me with your sweet & silly personality. You make me laugh so much...and melt my heart when you give me a big hug & kiss.
{22 months}
{23 months}
 Weight: 28.2 lbs {84%}
Height: She doesn't lay still long enough to measure her! We'll find out at her 2 year appointment. I can tell she has really shot up in the last couple of months, she is losing her rolls from the thighs and really thinning out.
Diaper Size: Size 5.  

Potty training has not been happening lately. She used to show interest in the potty and we'd take her a few times a day, but lately she fights us the entire time. I'm not sure when to tell if a kid is ready to be potty trained, but I'm pretty sure if they are screaming and saying no the entire time they are on the potty - they might not be ready. Or maybe she just has us wrapped around her finger and we have to be ready to train here?!? Either way, I think we'll put it off awhile until she seems more ready.
Clothing Size: 2T/3T.

She is mostly in 2T clothes, but I have started to buy her a couple 3T shirts for the summer. Mostly since tshirts shrink so much and her belly starts to stick out of them, so I figured she'd get more wear out of them if I bought them a size smaller. Other than some tshirts, all her bottoms & dresses are 2T.

{22 months}
{23 months}

Sleeping:  Now that she's closer to 23 months, her sleep is much better. We did go through a spell after our trip to Jamaica that she wasn't sleeping well and waking up at night. I'm pretty sure that's because she slept in bed with Papa for a week straight and had to get used to her crib again!

I have been using lavender essential oils on Kimber over the 1-2 months and I feel that has made a big difference in her sleeping. I had been diffusing the oils, but didn't notice an improvement in her sleep. Someone suggested I put it direction on her big toe and since doing that - I've noticed a BIG improvement! Nick hates the smell of the oils, but if it makes her sleep through the night I'll bathe her in it! ha! Kimber has even gotten used to the routine of applying the oils. When I put her jammies on her at night, she lifts her feet up so I can apply the oil to her toes and put her socks on her.
Nap time: One nap a day at 1:00pm for 1.5-3 hours.
She transitioned to napping on a mat on the floor at daycare {from the pack n play}.

{22 months}

{23 months}

 Food: Great eater! 

If you ask Nick, he'll say that she's not a good eater. But I disagree. She'll eat most of the things we put on her plate and will try new things. There are a couple of things that are her favorites - fruit and veggies mostly. She LOVES grapes, bananas, watermelon, corn and green beans. If you put any of these things on her plate, she will eat it all. We have to be careful to not give her fruit until she finishes the rest of her meal or she won't eat anything but the fruit.

She still is not a big fan of plain hamburgers, but the girl loves Mexican night! She will eat taco meat all night long! She also discovered her love for tortilla shells this month. We were out to eat {Mexican ofcourse} and I had ordered fajitas and she wanted a shell. I thought she was playing around, but she ate the whole thing! Considering we have Mexican 1-2 times a week at our house - she eats a lot of tortilla shells now! 
She is still on the same cow's milk routine:  in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare} 

Favorite Foods:  hotdogs, ham, chicken strips/nuggets, pork chops, steak, ribs, chicken stir fry,
corn, cooked carrots, green beans, mac & cheese, french fries, Mexican food, tortilla shells, mash potatoes,
bananas, grapes, watermelon, apples, pears
pancakes, donuts, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream, granola bars, nutter butter

Least Favorite Foods: hamburgers, blueberries

{22 months}
 {23 months}
Health:  Sick free in month 22, but got hit with pink eye and a sinus infection in month 23.

I thought she had a cold in her eyes. I even texted a picture of her eye gunk to a couple of people and got mixed reviews. But we sent her to daycare on Monday {since our provider didn't think it was pink eye and couple other kids had the same 'eye cold"} and it got worse throughout the day. Long story short, she had pink eye {and so did several other kids at daycare} and a sinus infection. So five days of eye drops and ten days of antibiotics later - she was feeling & looking much better!

{22 months}
{23 months}
Nicknames: Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}

 {22 months}

{23 months}

Likes {new}: Playing outside. Being independent.

Like most kids her age, Kimber could play outside all day, every day. We put up a swing set this month and if we are home, all she want to do is swing. Most days, if it's nice, I will stop at the farm on the way home from work. This gives her a change of scenery {instead of just swinging}, a chance to see Papa & Daddy and Great Gramma & Grampa and hopefully tire her out so she'll sleep through the night! I have also been going to walks in town and she does really great in the stroller. I think it's because she knows we go to the park after the walk!

Kimber loves to do things on her own. Put on her boots. Brush her hair. Brush her teeth. Try to get dresses. She is turning into a big girl and feel like she can do it all! {see dislikes}

{same as last month}:  Animal Book. Shoes. Bath time.  Music/Dancing. Apple Juice. Giving Hugs/Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Swings & Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower.  Playing with baby dolls. Kitty. Moo Cow. Smiling. Playing. Tickling. Papa. Dancing when she hears music. Playing in her room. Books. Puzzles. Jumping on the couch. Playing with blocks. Shopping Cart. Coloring books. Stickers. Being adjusted by Aunt Paige.

Disikes {new}:  Potty chair. Not being independent.
We were doing pretty good with sitting Kimber on the potty chair on a regular basis. But she has really lost interest in it and will throw a fit if we put her on it. We have decided to hold off on potty training for awhile until she seems more ready.
Kimber loves to do things on her own. Put on her boots. Brush her hair. Brush her teeth. Try to get dresses. She is turning into a big girl and feel like she can do it all! {see likes}. With that being said, she does not like when we try to help her do something that she wants to do on her own. Or she get frustrated if she can't do something that she really wants to do.
{same as last month}:  Getting told 'no'. Time out. Not getting her way. When we don't sit down with her.

{22 months}
{23 months}
Words {new}: This girl talks NON-STOP. And in full sentences!!!
As a first time mom, I don't know what is 'normal' when it comes to how much kids talk. Our only normal is how much Kimber talks. Sure we love that she says a lot of words and is saying full sentences, but lately we've had several people tell us that she talks really well for an almost two year-old. We had a play date with a friend and she said she thought Callan talked a lot until she came over to our house and heard Kimber talk. And I've had several co-workers make the same comment. So maybe she does talk more than an average {almost} two year old?? I'm pretty sure everyone knows where she gets it from {her mom!!}!
She has really started connecting location/items with people. When she sees a tractor or pickup, she says Daddy. When she sees a semi or cow, she says Papa. Now, when you live in the middle of Iowa...she pretty much says this NON-STOP since we leave in farm country! She knows when we turn on our daycare provider's road that we are close to her house and will say Roma {our daycare lady's daughter and Kimber's best friend}.
Words: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay.  Oh.  Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Moo. ha, ha, ha.  Go. Tractor noises. Ah oh. Ow. Please {signs and says}. What's that? Thank you. Again. Mm Hmm. Papa. Shoe. MeMe. Mine. Traci. Brady. Ashes, Ashes, Down! Corn. Baby. Sissy. Signs More. Signs All Done. Signs Milk. Kia. Swing. Oops. Down. Roma. Juice. I eat. Out.  Cow. Baaa {like a sheep}. Calls Daddy - Mama. Using words backwards.   I wanna do it.
 Things to note:

We had to say goodbye to two of Kimber's Great Gramma's on my side. My mom's mom and dad's mom both passed away within a week of each other. It was a really hard time, but it was nice to be surrounded my family and recall so many memories we had with them.

Kimber had her first mini hair cut. I had a hair appointment and since Kimber & Nick were with me, I asked my hair lady to trim the back of Kimber's hair {aka side rat tail}. I didn't think it was a big deal, but everyone asked me if I took pictures and if I kept the hair. Oops, guess that was a big mom fail? Oh well, her hair looks much better and growing like crazy! And her curls are out of control!

We celebrated Easter with Nick's family and had a great time with all the Easter Egg hunts! I'm hoping next year we are able to celebrate with my family again!

23 months -  16 teeth.

Kimber had her first dentist appointment on April 9. And she did just how we expected her to do - she screamed the whole time!! But the dentist (Cousin Quinn!) was able to take a look at her teeth and see that her upper canines were coming in. I knew she had to be teething since she was sticking everything in her mouth, but I hadn't noticed that they had finally pushed through.

On May 3, {technically this should be in her 24 month update}, I noticed that her bottom canines had pushed through. I'm not sure how long they have been up, but I'm assuming it had been a couple of days!!

Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:

Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19

Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12

Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18
Bottom right molar: September 28
Bottom left molar: September 28
Bottom right lateral incisor: November 20
Bottom left lateral incisor: December 14
Top right canine: April 9
Top left canine: April 9
Top right canine: May 3
Top left canine: May 3

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