Monday, March 9, 2015

Kimber: Twenty One Months Old

Baby girl,
Even though you are doing something new every day, these updates are getting harder & harder to do. You are learning something new all the time and it's just part of the norm now. When you were a baby, you were hitting big milestones {sitting up, rolling over} but now it's the little things - saying new works, making a new funny face, etc. And it's harder to keep track of it all. And it's just who you are.
I have said it before and I'll say it again - two words that describe you are silly & sweet. You love to be goofy and get a laugh out of everyone around you. But you also give the best hugs & kisses. You have even started to pat our backs when you give us a hug and it's the best!! You also love to give other little girls hugs - even when you don't know them. I hope you're always this loving!! {But learn to keep your hands to yourself at some point!}
 Weight: 27.5 lbs
Height: She doesn't lay still long enough to measure her!
Diaper Size: Size 5.  

We have started the potty training process. We take her potty in the mornings, a couple times at night {after we get home from work/daycare} and before bedtime. She goes on the potty and gets excited when she goes. But she isn't to the point of telling us when we need to go. We are not forcing it at this point.
Clothing Size: 2T. 

Sleeping:  Still sleeping great!!! We had a couple nights were she didn't sleep the best because she had a cough and it was keeping her awake. And ofcourse, it happened while Nick was gone on a snowmobile trip and I was home alone with her for five days. But other than that - she's still sleeping great!

We have a set bedtime routine. At 9:00, she gives Da-dee hugs & kisses night night. I take her into her room and put her to bed. We sit in the rocking chair, I ask her if she wants Mommy to sing to her, she nods her head yes, I sing "Jesus Loves Me", we say our bedtime prayers, I ask her if she's ready for bed, she nods her head yes, I give her hugs & kisses,  I lay her in bed, she asks for Mmm and Baby, we snuggle them in close and I leave the room and she falls asleep.
Nap time: One nap a day at 1:00pm for 1.5-3 hours.


 Food: All the food.

Two items that Kimber started eating more of this month were mashed potatoes and chicken stir fry. She went through a phase when she was younger where she wouldn't eat mashed potatoes, but now she'll clean her plate if we give them to her! A staple at our house in the winter is chicken stir fry and we have it once a week. Kimber will eat all the chicken we put on her plate and most of the veggies!
She is still on the same cow's milk routine:  in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare} 

Favorite Foods:  hotdogs, ham, chicken strips/nuggets, pork chops, steak, ribs, chicken stir fry,
cooked carrots, green beans, mac & cheese, french fries, Mexican food, mash potatoes,
bananas, grapes, watermelon, apples, pears
pancakes, donuts, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream, granola bars, nutter butter

Least Favorite Foods: hamburgers, blueberries

Health:  Stomach bug #3

On February 25, Kimber was hit with stomach bug #3 of this winter. The forecast for the day wasn't the best, so I left work early and picked up Kimber. {After getting stuck in a white out last month, I didn't want to stay at work too long and it happen again!}. We got home around 10am, played, ate lunch and about that time Nick got home from the farm. I was sitting at my computer trying to get work done and Nick was hanging in the living room. Next thing we know, Kimber is throwing up all over the place! And she continued to get sick for the next 6 hours. She was al ittle by 6:00pm, slept through the night and was fine when she woke up the next morning. We kept her home the next day, just to be safe, but she never got sick again. Nick on the other hand, caught her bug {again!} and was sick the following day!

Nicknames: Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}

Likes {new}: Coloring books. Stickers. Being adjusted by Aunt Paige.

Kimber received a small coloring book & crayons for Christmas and was wanting to color more & more, so I bought her 2 big coloring books, crayons and a book of over 1000 stickers for Valentine's Day. BIG HIT! She has not stopped coloring since she got them. She wants Mom & Dad to color with her all night long. She will pat the floor and say "Sit Down, Mommy. Sit Down". It's the cutest thing ever!

Kimber has decided that being adjusted by Aunt Paige is the most fun thing ever! She will climb up on her table, lay on her tummy and wait to get adjusted. Once her back gets adjusted, she will roll to one side {on her own} to be adjusted and then roll to the other side. She has started to lay on the floor for us to 'adjust' her at home. We will say "pop, pop, pop" as we 'adjust' her. Now, she has decided that she wants to do the adjusting and will "pop, pop, pop" our backs!

{same as last month}:  Animal Book. Shoes Bath time/Showers with Dad.  Music/Dancing. Apple Juice. Giving Hugs/Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Sharing. Being on the move. Swings & Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower. Crawling up the steps. Playing peek-a-boo. WALKING! Playing with baby dolls. Kitty. Moo Cow. Smiling. Playing. Tickling. Playing with her belly button {and others}. Papa. Dancing when she hears music. Playing in her room. Books. Puzzles. Jumping on the couch. Playing with blocks. Shopping Cart.

Disikes {new}: When we don't sit down with her. Kimber is in a phase where she wants both Mommy & Daddy to sit down with her to color, play blocks, read books, etc. She will say "Sit Down, Mommy. Sit Down". It's really cute. But we ask her "What do you say" and she'll replies "Peeze" while signing it. Of course, we'd sit down anyways, but we need to teach her manners.

{same as last month}:  Getting told 'no'. Time out. Not getting her way. Twisted footie jammies.

Words {new}: So many words!
My favorite new thing that she says: "Sit Down, Mommy. Sit Down" as she pats the floor next to her.
She will look at me and say a "complete sentence" with inflection {like she's asking a question} and I can't understand a word she is saying. I mean, they're not even real words. But she knows what she's saying!
I always thought it was funny when kids came up with names for things {stuffed animals, blankets, etc} and the parents just went along with it. But now I get it. Kimber refers to her stuff cow as Mmmm. And we go along with it. I mean, that's it's name. When we go to the farm, she even points out Papa's cows and calls them Mmmm.
Words: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay.  Oh.  Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Moo. ha, ha, ha.  Go. Tractor noises. Ah oh. Ow. Please {signs and says}. What's that? Thank you. Again. Mm Hmm. Papa. Shoe. MeMe. Mine. Traci. Brady. Ashes, Ashes, Down! Corn. Baby. Sissy. Signs More. Signs All Done. Signs Milk. Kia. Swing. Oops. Down. Roma. Juice. I eat. Out.  Cow. Baaa {like a sheep}. Calls Daddy - Mama. Using words backwards.   I wanna do it.
Things to note:

Everything this girl does is SO funny! Even if it's not that funny. The things she says. The things she does. She loves to be goofy and will try to get us to laugh.  And if she sees us laughing, she will do it again to make us laugh more.  She loves to be chased after and tickled by Da-dee. And when he stops, she will chase after him and tickle him!

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing: but Kimber will go up to little girls and give them hugs and touch their faces. I'm not sure if it's because she does this with Roma at daycare, so she thinks it's fine to do with all little girls? But anywhere we go - the Science Center, the park, church, get together with friends - she will go up to the little girls and give them hugs. Not boys, though. As a mom, I think it's adorable that she wants to be so loving on all the little girls, but not all of them like it. Either they don't know what to expect or they don't like to be touched {Bailey!}. So I have to remember to tell her not to hug them even though I think it's adorable!

Kimber has learned to give knuckles. Wade {our daycare provider's husband} started doing this with her and now she wants to give us knuckles after she goes potty!

21 months -  12 teeth.

She might be getting her molars in. She's been chewing on her hands and putting things in her mouth more than usual, but I haven't felt anything push through yet. But she doesn't let me stick my hands her mouth either!!

Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:

Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19

Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12

Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18
Bottom right molar: September 28
Bottom left molar: September 28
Bottom right lateral incisor: November 20
Bottom left lateral incisor: December 14

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