Kimber Sue...
18 months. How are we already at 18 months?! Some days I feel like I just had you and other days, it feels like it's been 18 long months of no sleep. Seriously girl - please learn how to sleep through the night and you would make Mama so happy!!
You have the most amazing personality. You are so full of life. You give kisses to everyone. You said 'hi' to everyone you see. You laugh. You smile. You want to make others laugh. You love to tickle others. You are independent and want to do things on your own. You want Mama to carry you around {usually while I'm trying to make supper at night} and will whine at my feet. You love to play with your baby dolls. You love your juice and drink down a sippy in two minutes flat. You can throw the biggest tantrum one minute and be as happy as can be the next minute. You say 'down' all the time. And 'no'. I think those are your two favorite words right now. You LOVE your best friend, Roma. Every morning when I drop you off at daycare, you say her name over & over as we're walking in the door and can't get down fast enough to run over to her to hug & kiss on her. It melts my heart that you are so close to her. But it breaks my heart that you will only be doing to daycare there for a couple more years and then will not see your best friend every day{since you won't go to the same school}. You are a huge Papa's girl. If Papa is around. You pick him over Mama or Dada. But that's okay...I know it's only because he gives you candy whenever you want it. You hate having Mama's camera in your face and do the best job at ignoring me when I'm taking your picture. You love your fruits & vegetables and could eat them for every meal. We know exactly when you're done eating - you will start handing us your plate & silverware - and you will not eat anymore no matter how much we try. You love to play with your belly button. You love to play with our ears while you're sitting on our lap drinking from your sippy {and it annoys me & sometimes hurts when you pinch our ear lopes & neck
Baby girl, I can't imagine my life without you and I hope I remember all these little details about you forever!
Weight: 25 lbs 9.5oz {85%}
Height: 31.5 inches {43%}
Diaper Size: Size 5.
Clothing Size: 24 months or 2T.
Sleeping: UGH! I have come to the realization that Kimber is never going to be a good sleeper. Ever. Enough said.
Sleeping: UGH! I have come to the realization that Kimber is never going to be a good sleeper. Ever. Enough said.
Kimber eats breakfast& lunch at daycare, so except for the weekends, she only eats supper at home. Some nights, she barely wants to eat anything for supper. She usually eats whatever veggie or fruit we give her and then hands us the plate. Other nights, she's eat everything on her plate plus a snack!Although, I want her to eat more, she doesn't seem to be hungry later and is happy, so I don't worry about it too much.
She does a good job of letting us know when she's done eating. She usually signs all done and will hand us her plate, fork and any food that is on her tray. And once she does this - she is done. There is no getting her to eat another bite!
When we go out to eat, Kimber wants to feed herself. And with a fork. We've pretty much stopped cutting her food up because she won't touch that food. But she'll stick her fork into the biggest piece of food on the plate and try to eat it!
Kimber has never been a big fan of mashed potatoes. Which surprises me because it seems like most kids love them! But at Thanksgiving, we put them on her plate and she devoured them! And had a second helping of them!!
She also discovered granola bars this month. Nick likes to eat them for breakfast, chocolate chip of course, so we keep a family size stash in the pantry. We packed a couple for church one day and she ate 2 of them!! Not sure if it's the chocolate or the granola that she likes so much!
She is still on the same cow's milk routine: in the morning before daycare, with lunch and at night before bed for a total of 20-24 ounces of milk a day. She loves to drink apple or cranberry juice mixed with water - she will have at least 3-4 sippy cups a night {plus some at daycare}
Favorite Foods: hotdogs, ham, chicken strips/nuggets, pork chops, steak, ribs,
cooked carrots, green beans, mac & cheese, french fries,
bananas, grapes, watermelon, apples, pears
pancakes, donuts, cheese, bread/toast, pickles, peanut butter, ice cream, granola bars
Least Favorite Foods: mash potatoes {still keeping this as least favorite since she's only ate it once}, hamburgers, blueberries
Health: I would love for this section to be blank for one month!!
On November 7, we noticed that Kimber's belly button had a hard red lump in it. She was born with an umbilical hernia, so we were worried that it might be something to do with that. We called first nurse to ask their advice and they wanted us to come in right away!!! It was late on a Friday night and we would have had to take her to the ER. Instead, we watched her overnight to see if any of the symptoms changed and took her to the clinic on Saturday. Turns out it was just extra skin in her belly button that had gotten twisted and was basically dying off. Most likely, due to the fact that she had an umbilical hernia and has extra skin in her belly button. This is all new to me, but I guess it can happen and it not that big of a deal. We just need to watch it to make sure it doesn't change or become infected.
On November 10, Kimber had surgery for her second set of tubes. She's had several ear infections in the last couple of months and when we saw both the pediatrician and the ENT specialist, they both said her left tube had fallen out {in 6 months}. We figured with winter coming up and all the cold/flu going around - it would be a good idea to get them replaced. The day of her surgery they discovered that it had not fallen out, but was 100% blocked with wax. They replaced both tubes and told us to dunk her in the water during bath time to keep the ear wax soft and not build up. Which is easier said than done with an 18 month old. Also, she loves bath time and I don't want her to learn to hate it because we were forcing her to lay down in the water when she doesn't like it. So instead we have been putting warm water in her ears with a bulb during bath time and she barely notices. Let's hope it keeps the wax from building up again!
On November 15, Kimber got the flu for the first time. And what a mess she made all over herself, me and the table at Arby's!! She was sick & throwing up for about 6 hours and Nick & I missed the Garth Brooks concert in Minneapolis to take care of her. It was hard to see her so sad when she was throwing up, but it passed fairly fast and she was much better by the next day!
Nicknames: Kimber Sue. Kibber. Sissy. Monkey {by Dad}
Likes {new}: Dancing when she hears music. Playing in her room. Books. Puzzles. Jumping on the couch.
Kimber has become quite the dancer. She loves to turn on any of her musical toys and dance to them. It's so adorable to watch her dance around the room.
One thing I love about our new house is that it is a ranch style house and Kimber can go to her room and play. Often, I'll be in the kitchen and don't hear her, so I'll check her room and she's playing with her toys or pulling her clothes out of her drawers. This also means that we can keep some of her toys in her room and they don't have to take up room in our living room!
Kimber has really started liking books more. I used to read to her a lot when she was younger, but I haven't been as good about doing it the last couple of months. {It might be due to the fact that most of them are still boxed up}. I bought her a couple new ones and she flips through them all the time. And I try to read to her every night now. I also bought her a new farm puzzle and she really likes playing with it, too. I was impressed that she knew how to put it together the first time we gave it to her...until Gramma said she plays with a puzzle at their house all the time!
Kimber's new favorite hobby - getting up on the couch and jumping from the couch to the ottoman. I know it's going to be hard to break her of this in the future, but she has so much fun doing it!
{same as last month}: Moo. Animal Book. Shoes Bath time/Showers with Dad. Music/Dancing. Apple Juice. Giving Hugs/Kisses. Stuffed Animals. Sharing. Being on the move. Swings & Slides. Rides: Wagon/Bike/Lawn Mower. Crawling up the steps. Playing peek-a-boo. WALKING! Playing with baby dolls. Kitty. Moo Cow. Smiling. Playing. Tickling. Playing with her belly button {and others}. Papa.
Disikes {new}: Not getting her way.
We have definitely entered the 'I'm super happy one minute, but the next minute if I don't get my way I will throw a big fit' stage. It's awesome. We'll let her throw her fit. Correct her. And move on.
{same as last month}: Changing her diaper/Changing clothes {having to lay on her back}. Getting told 'no'. Time out.
Words {new}: Juice. I eat. Out. Cow. Baaa {like a sheep}. Calls Daddy - Mama. Using words backwards.
It's no secret that Kimber loves her juice! She would drink it all day long if we let her. Which is funny because it's basically flavored water - 1oz juice and 7 oz of water. But she loves to point to her sippy and say 'juice'.
Kimber has started saying 'I eat' when she wants a snack or a meal. She's really starting to put words together to form small sentences. She says 'Hi Jayde', 'Hi Baby', 'Mama Down' {when she wants down from a chair}
She started saying 'down' last month and this month, she has started saying out. Usually when she wants out of her carseat. She says 'Mama Out'.
When Kimber sees a cow {in person or in a book}, she will say 'moo'. This month, we were putting a puzzle together and she said 'cow' for the first time! She also made the sheep noise 'baa' when she was putting together the puzzle. Guess she's a true farmer's daughter!
One of Kimber's first words was 'Dada' and she called me Dada for several months. she calls Nick Mama!! It's so funny! She'll get so excited when he gets home from the farm and start yelling 'Mama, Mama, Mama' and he'll say 'No, I'm Dada!'
She has also been using terms incorrectly or backwards. She says 'down' for 'up' and 'out' for 'in'. So sometimes she'll go to Nick and 'Mama down' and she really means 'Dada up' - when she wants him to pick her up! Good thing we know what she wants!! After we correct her and ask if she wants up, she'll say 'up' but not on her own.
And Kimber has officially said her first curse word. One Saturday morning, I started filling up the kitchen sink and walked away. Nick went into the kitchen and there was water EVERYWHERE!! I ran into the room and yelled 'SHIT' and started grabbing towels. Kimber, the little echo that she is, said 'shit'. Oops. Mom Fail.
Words: Dada. Hi. Mama. Jayde. No. Okay. Oh. Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Moo. ha, ha, ha. Go. Tractor noises. Ah oh. Ow. Please {signs and says}. What's that? Thank you. Again. Mm Hmm. Papa. Shoe. MeMe. Mine. Traci. Brady. Ashes, Ashes, Down! Corn. Baby. Sissy. Signs More. Signs All Done. Signs Milk. Kia. Swing. Oops. Down. Roma.
Things to note:
Kimber is doing great with taking direction. I will ask her to bring me something, or put her toys away or help with something and she knows exactly what do to. I don't know why it still surprises me that she is able to take direction, but it does. She's my little baby and I can't believe how fast she is growing up!
Kimber loves to help with laundry. She'll help me carry the laundry to the living room and then 'helps' fold the laundry. Which means, she moves laundry from the couch to the ottoman and back. Sometimes, she'll even bring the laundry back into the laundry room and put it on the floor in front of the dryer.
I love when I hear Kimber singing. The two songs that I recognize are 'Jesus Loves Me' and the 'ABC song'. I can't usually make out the words, but I can tell what she is singing.
18 months - 11 teeth.
I didn't even know Kimber was teething. I was playing with her, tickling her neck to make her laugh, and notice a new tooth! Her bottom right lateral incisor had pushed thru and we didn't even know it!
Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:
Bottom left tooth: January 5
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19
Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12
Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18
Bottom right molar: September 28
Bottom left molar: September 28
Bottom right lateral incisor: November 20
Kimber is doing great with taking direction. I will ask her to bring me something, or put her toys away or help with something and she knows exactly what do to. I don't know why it still surprises me that she is able to take direction, but it does. She's my little baby and I can't believe how fast she is growing up!
Kimber loves to help with laundry. She'll help me carry the laundry to the living room and then 'helps' fold the laundry. Which means, she moves laundry from the couch to the ottoman and back. Sometimes, she'll even bring the laundry back into the laundry room and put it on the floor in front of the dryer.
I love when I hear Kimber singing. The two songs that I recognize are 'Jesus Loves Me' and the 'ABC song'. I can't usually make out the words, but I can tell what she is singing.
18 months - 11 teeth.
I didn't even know Kimber was teething. I was playing with her, tickling her neck to make her laugh, and notice a new tooth! Her bottom right lateral incisor had pushed thru and we didn't even know it!
Here is a chart of the teeth she current has:
Bottom right: January 17
Top right central incisor: April 4
Top left central incisor: April 19
Top right lateral incisor: June 7
Top left lateral incisor: June 12
Top right molar: August 13
Top left molar: August 18
Bottom right molar: September 28
Bottom left molar: September 28
Bottom right lateral incisor: November 20
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