How far along? 37 weeks. {FULL TERM!!}
Baby Size: Baby H is 19.25 inches and 6.3 pounds. The size of a swiss chard - they really need to come up with better size comparisons!
Total weight gain: 40 lbs. Weight stayed the same from last week...1 of the 6 signs of pre-labor: weight stabilization!!
Maternity clothes? I have several maxi dresses, pairs of capri's and a shirts in the rotation. Not many of my early pregnancy clothes are fitting me anymore.
Maternity clothes? I have several maxi dresses, pairs of capri's and a shirts in the rotation. Not many of my early pregnancy clothes are fitting me anymore.
Sleep: I'm barely getting any sleep these days. I wake up almost every hour from 10pm - 3am and have to use the bathroom. I manage to sleep from 3am-6am...but am so exhausted when the alarm goes off that it's hard to get out of bed! I'd say I can't wait for the baby to get here so I'm more comfortable at night and I can get more sleep...but I know that's not going to be the case!!
Best moment this week: My first mother's day as a mommy to be. Nick kept joking with me that I had to wait until next year to celebrate my first mother's day since I wasn't technically a mom yet. But he surprised me on Sunday morning with a card and gift. He got me a tripod and new camera bag - I'll be set to take lots of pictures of the baby once it gets here!!
Miss Anything? Same ol' stuff - Bending over/moving normal/working out/pre-pregnancy body/sleep. And as crazy as it sounds - I miss doing yard work/gardening. I look forward to spring, so I can plant flowers and watch them grow...but I don't see myself on my hands & knees planting flowers this year!!
Movement: As much as the baby moves during the day & in the early evening - I haven't woke up in the middle of the night from kicks & jabs. Guess that's a plus in the sleeping department!
Miss Anything? Same ol' stuff - Bending over/moving normal/working out/pre-pregnancy body/sleep. And as crazy as it sounds - I miss doing yard work/gardening. I look forward to spring, so I can plant flowers and watch them grow...but I don't see myself on my hands & knees planting flowers this year!!
Movement: As much as the baby moves during the day & in the early evening - I haven't woke up in the middle of the night from kicks & jabs. Guess that's a plus in the sleeping department!
Food cravings: No cravings...eating lots of fruit {watermelon, pineapple and bananas} since it's been nicer out!! I wouldn't call that a craving since I do that every spring/summer.
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms:
- Nose Bleeds/Stuffy Nose.
- Pregnancy hoof.
- Pregnancy paw.
- Tailbone pain.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Rib pain.
- Linea Nigra - I have a faint brown line that runs down my belly.
- Swelling {feet} - My doctor said as long as my blood pressure is good {which it has been this entire pregnancy} and I do not have protein in my urine - then the swelling is perfectly fine and just a pregnancy symptom {especially towards the end in the hotter weather}. No reason for concern that it is preeclampsia.
- Braxton Hicks contractions - tightening of the belly and some cramp like symptoms on my lower belly.
- Pelvic pressure - same amount of pressure...hasn't changed much.
- Waddling - I waddle really bad when I get up off the couch or out of bed!
- Mucus Plug - lost my mucus plug on Thursday & Friday last week.
Gender: My prediction - a little red-headed curly haired girl. I think she'll have Nick's hair color {and we both have curly hair} and my green eyes. The girls name we have picked out will fit her perfectly!!
Have you started to show yet: If I said no...would you believe me?!?
Mood: Excited!! With all the pre-labor signs I've been having, I know the end is near and I'll get to meet the baby!!
Stretch marks: None.
Belly button in or out: In. Way in...
Wedding ring on or off: Off.
Labor Signs: At my 36 week check up, I went over all my pre-labor signs {Braxton Hicks, pelvic pressure, lost mucus plug} with my doctor and he said they all seem normal for this point in my pregnancy. He didn't check me {to see if I was dilated} and won't until week 38 unless I have more serious labor pains. All the symptoms have stayed about the same over the last 2 weeks - so even though I'm progressing...they haven't gotten worse.
Things are really coming together in the nursery. I finished the fabric bunting last weekend and it turned out better than I thought it would!! I just need to pick up a couple small things {clock, lamp}, finish making the bumper pad and hang the bunting & lanterns on the wall - and I think it'll be finished!!!
My friend, Jodi, & I made frozen meals on Saturday morning - we made 10 meals so I should be set for a while after the baby gets here. I really liked spending time with Jodi and it will be nice to have some meals on hand. I going to try to make this a recurring thing - especially before harvest and Nick is in the fields!
Things are really coming together in the nursery. I finished the fabric bunting last weekend and it turned out better than I thought it would!! I just need to pick up a couple small things {clock, lamp}, finish making the bumper pad and hang the bunting & lanterns on the wall - and I think it'll be finished!!!
Nick is in a wedding this weekend about 2 hours from home and his entire family will be at the wedding. My niece is graduating high school {about 2.5 hours away & I am unable to attend since I can't drive that far away by myself} and my entire family will be at her graduation party. So that leaves me home alone for the weekend!! I've recruited my best friend Ann as my on call labor coach in case I go into labor and need someone to go to the hospital with me!
The bags are {mostly} packed and ready to go. Oh...and I've completely over-packed like normal! My SIL made me a hospital gown and is mailing it to me this week. Can't wait to see it!!
My friend, Jodi, & I made frozen meals on Saturday morning - we made 10 meals so I should be set for a while after the baby gets here. I really liked spending time with Jodi and it will be nice to have some meals on hand. I going to try to make this a recurring thing - especially before harvest and Nick is in the fields!
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