How far along? 28 weeks - Hello 3rd Trimester!!
Baby Size: Baby H is 14.8 inches and 2.25 pounds. The size of chinese cabbage.
Total weight gain: 28 pounds. Yep, that's up 3 pounds from last week. Might be due to all the snacking I did on the Chicago trip?!
Maternity clothes? I may have an addiction to buying maternity clothes. I bought several more pieces from GAP while I was in Chicago over the weekend. Now, it needs to start warming up so I can wear all my cute new spring clothes!!!
Still wearing similar outfits to my pre-pregnancy days...just have the bump as an accessory these days! -->
Still wearing similar outfits to my pre-pregnancy days...just have the bump as an accessory these days! -->
Sleep: I miss my sleep. I'm waking up several times throughout the night and laying awake for 30 minutes or so before I fall back to sleep. I'm not uncomfortable and I don't get up to go to the I don't know what the deal is. Guess my body is getting me prepared for the lack of sleep that is to come in 3 months!
Best moment{s} this week: Girls weekend in Chicago. Hearing the heartbeat at my 28 week appointment. {heartbeat is in the mid-130's...according the wives tales - that means BOY}
Miss Anything? It's amazing that I don't miss having a drink. It didn't bother me at all this weekend that I couldn't have a drink with my girlfriends. I still had a great time with them...and I wasn't hung over the next day! {bonus}
Movement: The baby was dancing to the music at the P!nk concert!!
Food cravings: Nope.
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: I have several pregnancy related ailments at different times - nothing serious or painful and my doctor said they should all go away after I have the baby.
- Nose Bleeds - still getting them about once a week.
- Pregnancy hoof - my foot doesn't hurt when I extend it anymore, but there are times when I still get a sharp pain down my leg/foot.
- Pregnancy paw?!!? - I may have pregnancy paw as's similar to my foot situation - I get a sharp pain in my thumb when I extend my arm/hand and part of my thumb is numb. It could be carpal tunnel?
- Tailbone pain - My tailbone still hurts when I sit for long periods of time or when I sit on a hard chair.
- Trouble sleeping - not sure if it's due to the hormones or nerves...but sleep has not been my friend lately.
Gender: Not finding out. This week's wives tales to predict the gender of the baby - How I'm carrying: If you are carrying the baby low and in front then it means you're
having a boy. If you're carrying high and expand horizontally, then it means
you're having a girl. I'm not exactly sure how I'm carrying, but several people have said based on the way I'm carrying the baby, they think it's a girl. Based in this wives tale: it's a girl.
Have you started to show yet: I had my first encounter with a stranger this weekend that said I was huge and asked if there were twins in there. So it starts....
Have you started to show yet: I had my first encounter with a stranger this weekend that said I was huge and asked if there were twins in there. So it starts....
Mood: Ready for warmer weather!!!
Stretch marks: None.
Belly button in or out: Still trying to poke out.
Wedding ring on or off: On.
Labor Signs: No.
I had my 28 week appointment on Tuesday - which included my glucose test. The drink wasn't that bad & I passed!! I am measuring 29cm and the Baby H's heartbeat is in the mid-130s. I will now start going every 2 weeks for my appointments.
I had an amazing trip to Chicago with my girlfriends to see the P!nk concert. I was able to hang with my friends for the most part, but did relax when I felt like I was getting tired. Lucky for me, the girls were okay with my idea of watching them drink in the hotel room on Saturday afternoon after walking up & down Michigan Avenue!
I've started using the Jergen's natural glow lotion. I'm ready for it to warm up so I can wear my cute new spring dresses & capri's - and I don't want to be pasty white when I wear them! I'm loving the color that it gives me...but I still hate the smell of it. I've been putting it on a bedtime, so I don't feel like I stink all day long!
I worked out to my biggest loser DVD this week and am able to do less & less. I can't believe how fast I get tired! I can't do as much cardio at this point, but I still do as much as I can and try to fit in workouts 2-3 times a week.
I had my 28 week appointment on Tuesday - which included my glucose test. The drink wasn't that bad & I passed!! I am measuring 29cm and the Baby H's heartbeat is in the mid-130s. I will now start going every 2 weeks for my appointments.
I've started using the Jergen's natural glow lotion. I'm ready for it to warm up so I can wear my cute new spring dresses & capri's - and I don't want to be pasty white when I wear them! I'm loving the color that it gives me...but I still hate the smell of it. I've been putting it on a bedtime, so I don't feel like I stink all day long!
I worked out to my biggest loser DVD this week and am able to do less & less. I can't believe how fast I get tired! I can't do as much cardio at this point, but I still do as much as I can and try to fit in workouts 2-3 times a week.
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