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I should really take pictures in the morning when I have my hair & makeup done, instead of after work when I look tired! |
How far along? 30 weeks. Only 10 weeks to go - this pregnancy is flying by!!
Baby Size: Baby H is 15.7 inches and 2.75-3. pounds. The size of a cabbage.
Total weight gain: 30+ pounds.
And just because it's fun to see how big I've gotten {HA}...
Maternity clothes? The only time I'm not wearing maternity clothes is when I'm home and I'm wearing Nick's t-shirts & sweatpants. I may have even ventured out in public a time or two wearing this...keepin' it classy!
And just because it's fun to see how big I've gotten {HA}...
Maternity clothes? The only time I'm not wearing maternity clothes is when I'm home and I'm wearing Nick's t-shirts & sweatpants. I may have even ventured out in public a time or two wearing this...keepin' it classy!
Sleep: Waking up several times a night. And since I'm awake...might as well go to the bathroom. Jayde has decided she likes to sleep on the floor next to my side of the bed...so I have to try to roll out of bed & not step on the dog in the middle of the night.

Miss Anything? Bending over/moving normal. Pre-pregnancy work outs - I worked out 4 times last week, but it's not at the same intensity as before I was pregnant.
Movement: Movement all day, but Baby H is really active at night when I'm laying around.
Food cravings: No cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: I have several pregnancy related ailments at different times - nothing serious or painful and my doctor said they should all go away after I have the baby.
- Nose Bleeds - stuffy & bloody noses - mostly in the mornings when I wake up.
- Pregnancy hoof - My foot doesn't hurt as much as it used to and I can now extend it further, but it's still numb in spots.
- Pregnancy paw - Shooting pain in my thumb when I try to reach for things...
- Tailbone pain - Whenever we go out to eat - I ask to sit in a soft booth instead of a hard wood chair.
- Trouble sleeping - still waking up alot to move & try to get comfortable.
- Leg Cramps - No leg cramps this week! I've been doing a better job of stretching after I work out, so I'm hoping that will help.
Gender: Not finding out. This week's wives tales to predict the gender of the baby - Laying down: If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she's having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she's having a girl. I fall asleep on my right side every night. Based in this wives tale: it's a girl.
Have you started to show yet: Can't miss the bump!!
Have you started to show yet: Can't miss the bump!!
Mood: I may have had a pity party for myself on Sunday morning. I felt fat. My ring wasn't fitting. I didn't sleep well & was tired. I just wanted to stay home {instead of going to church} for once instead of being gone. It only lasted about 30 minutes and then I was back to my happy self...but I do believe the pregnancy hormones have kicked in!!
Stretch marks: Not yet...
Belly button in or out: I think it's decided it's staying in.
Wedding ring on or off: Off. I may have had a mini meltdown on Sunday morning when I tried to put my ring on before church and realized it was cutting off the circulation to my finger.
Labor Signs: No.
We have our maternity pictures today and can't wait to see how they turn out! I love our photographer {the same one that did our wedding} and he always does such a great job!! I've been looking for a perfect outfit to wear for weeks...and decided there isn't a perfect outfit for a preggo girl! I think I am happy with the outfit I settled on.
Not sure if it's nesting or spring cleaning, but I finally found time to do some cleaning this weekend and my house smells like cleaning products/spring scented glade plug-ins and I'm lovin' it! I've also started to get the urge to clean out drawers and closets...as a self-proclaimed pack-rat...this makes me very happy because I need to purge so much junk! I even printed off a free printable spring cleaning list to follow {and check off when I finish cleaning}!!
I am so thankful for Nick. He has been so great. Caring & helpful - I've been tired at night when I get home from work and get done working out, so he's been making dinner most nights, doing dishes, laundry, etc. He's a great uncle to Chloe & Abey {and my nieces & nephews}...and a great dad to Jayder already!! But he's going to be an even more amazing dad to Baby H!! I can't wait to watch the interaction between him & the baby! {I maybe tear up every time I see him holding Baby Abey and think about him holding our own baby!!}
I feel like pregnancy is full of so many funny stories. I had a chicken wrap with honey mustard dressing for lunch the other day and didn't realize I dripped dressing on my boob! I went around talking to co-workers before I went into the restroom & realized I had a stain on my left boob. Nice, huh?!
We have our maternity pictures today and can't wait to see how they turn out! I love our photographer {the same one that did our wedding} and he always does such a great job!! I've been looking for a perfect outfit to wear for weeks...and decided there isn't a perfect outfit for a preggo girl! I think I am happy with the outfit I settled on.
Not sure if it's nesting or spring cleaning, but I finally found time to do some cleaning this weekend and my house smells like cleaning products/spring scented glade plug-ins and I'm lovin' it! I've also started to get the urge to clean out drawers and closets...as a self-proclaimed pack-rat...this makes me very happy because I need to purge so much junk! I even printed off a free printable spring cleaning list to follow {and check off when I finish cleaning}!!
I am so thankful for Nick. He has been so great. Caring & helpful - I've been tired at night when I get home from work and get done working out, so he's been making dinner most nights, doing dishes, laundry, etc. He's a great uncle to Chloe & Abey {and my nieces & nephews}...and a great dad to Jayder already!! But he's going to be an even more amazing dad to Baby H!! I can't wait to watch the interaction between him & the baby! {I maybe tear up every time I see him holding Baby Abey and think about him holding our own baby!!}
I feel like pregnancy is full of so many funny stories. I had a chicken wrap with honey mustard dressing for lunch the other day and didn't realize I dripped dressing on my boob! I went around talking to co-workers before I went into the restroom & realized I had a stain on my left boob. Nice, huh?!