** I might need to find a new photographer - Nick doesn't like taking my pictures and he's not very good at it **
far along? 15
Baby Size: Baby H is 2.5 oz and 4.0 inches.
The size of a navel orange.
Total weight gain: 10 pounds.
Maternity clothes? None. I went shopping at Target to find
new winter clothes, but I'm not big enough to fit into maternity clothes. I bought
leggings and tops with an empire waist instead and they look much better on me.
Sleep: Sleeping fine.
moment this week: Sending out our Christmas cards from Nick, Deanna,
Jayde AND Baby H!!!
Anything? Cold
meat sandwiches – I used to eat deli meat a couple times a week so I can’t wait
to have a sandwich after this pregnancy!
Movement: No movements yet.
cravings: No food cravings.
making you queasy or sick: No
Not finding out {but hoping for a BOY}
Have you started to show yet: My stomach continues to get bigger but I still don’t feel
like I’m really showing. It tends to be bigger at night {when I’m taking my
weekly pictures} so I’m sure I look bigger than I feel.
Mood: Sleeping fine, no movement, no
food cravings, nothing making me sick – this pregnancy has been pretty drama
free so far! I hope it stays that way!
We have our 16 week appointment next Tuesday and I can’t wait to hear the
heartbeat again!
We’ve started talking about daycare options. We have pretty limited
options - there is one daycare center in our town, so we’re hoping they have an
opening when it’s time for Baby H to start daycare. As an added bonus our
friend’s girls go to that daycare, so baby will already have “friends” there!
Nick refers to Baby as Wubba – it started as a joke
and it stuck. Every morning when he gives me a kiss goodbye, he also says “Bye
Bye Wubba” and touches my belly. It melts my heart because I know he’s going to
be such an amazing father.
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