Since we were not home on Christmas morning, we had our little family Christmas the morning after Christmas. Santa brought gifts, Kimber opened gifts from Mom & Dad and Nick & I opened our gifts from Kimber and each other.
I tried to get a video of Kimber coming around the corner and seeing her gifts for the first time, but she was a growly bear and the only thing she cared about was snuggling in the chair and drinking her sippy of milk. This girl loves her morning routine!
{I kindof went overboard on the pictures of Kimber's gifts}
After she finished her milk, she was ready to open her gifts!!
Santa brought her a play kitchen and we got her a shopping cart, pots & pans and food. She played with it all morning and loves to push her new baby doll around in the shopping cart!
Kimber bought me boots that I had been eyeing for awhile, but unfortunately, they are a size to small and I can't find a bigger size anywhere! As much as I love them, it doesn't make sense to keep them. Nick said he already knows what he's getting me next a bigger size!