Uncle TJ gave Kimber a water table for her 1st birthday and we finally played with it last weekend!! Between June being colder than usual, being gone almost every weekend and trying to get packing done on our free weekends - we just haven't had the time to go outside and play with it. The one weekend we did set it up for Kimber to play with, it started raining while we were changing her into her swimming suit!
Sunday was a beautiful day and we wanted to be outside to enjoy the nice weather! I set the water table up before her afternoon nap so the water had time to warm up. After she woke up, we were outside playing for close to 2 hours. I love these summer days making memories together! And I think the smile on her face, proves that she loves it too!
After playing with the water table for almost an hour, we went on a walk up & down the driveway in her tricycle {for the 600th time this summer!}. While we were playing, Nick was cleaning out the shed so we stopped by to see him.
Kimber loves to practice walking behind everything these days!
Kimber was having fun exploring the front yard. She kept scooting down the big hill on her bottom like it was a slide!
Once Nick was done in the shed, he came over & played with Kimber in the water table. Obviously, Daddy is way more fun than me...he plopped her right down inside the water table and she loved it!
It was great afternoon and I'm hoping this summer slows down, so we can enjoy more afternoons together as a family making memories!