Kimber had surgery to get tubes in her ears on March 11. It was a long and exhausting day that started at 4:00am. I got up before everyone else in the house to pump, since Kimber couldn't eat before her surgery. We had to check into the hospital at 6:00am and her surgery was scheduled to start at 7:30.
She slept on the way to the hospital, in the waiting room and in her post op room until we finally woke her up around 7:00 so they could weigh her and give her Tylenol before she went into surgery.
We were a little concerned that she would want to eat when she woke up, since she's used to eating right away in the morning but she didn't fuss at all. She played with her toys and watched cartoons until it as time for surgery.
The nurses came in to take Kimber and she went right to them with a big smile on her face. I thought it was going to be hard when they took her from me, but since she had a smile on her face and was clapping her hands - it was hard to be upset.
Nick & I were starving, so he ran down to the gift shop to get us muffins & something to drink. We took a couple pictures of us waiting and the doctor walked in the room to tell us the surgery went great! He said her right ear was a little "angry", which is the ear that had the most recent ear infection but he was able to cleaned it out and the surgery went well. It had been less than 10 minutes. I couldn't believe it was already over! She went to a recovery room until she started opening her eyes and then they brought her back to our room.
She cried/fussed/whined for about an hour after she got back to the room. There was nothing we could do to console her. They warned us that she would be like this coming off of the anesthesia {and so did my SIL that just went thru the same surgery a couple of months ago}, so we were prepared for it. We let her cry, taking turns holding her and trying to comfort her. After she calmed down, I was able to nurse her and she kept everything down so they let us go home.
She fell asleep on the way home and took a 2 hour nap when we go home. A good nap is exactly what she needed!
After she woke up, she ate lunch and played for awhile but within an hour she was ready to nurse and take another nap. She took a little cat nap and when she woke up - she was {mostly} back to her normal happy self! She had a huge smile on her face & was ready to play!!
Overall, the surgery went well and the recovery didn't take long. There were times over the next 2-3 days that her ears seemed to bother her. I think she could sense that the tubes were in them. We'd give her Tylenol and it seemed to ease the fussiness. And on the 4th night after surgery, she slept from 7:00pm - 6:00am. That was a first! So I'd say it was a success!!