Monday, February 24, 2014

Sick Day

Kimber had her first 'sick day' from daycare on February 19. I put the term sick in quotes because she wasn't actually sick, but I did keep her home from daycare.
I was driving to daycare, when she started coughing and coughing and coughing. And then I heard her throw up. Twice. And there was a lot of it. I pulled over as soon as I could to survey the damage. I pulled out a wet one and started laughing. It was all over her clothes, her car seat and cover and her toys & blankets. I knew the wet one wasn't going to do anything. I was half way to daycare and decided there was no way I could take her there in the condition that she & her car seat were in so I headed back home to get her cleaned up. After stripping her down & tearing apart her car seat,  I took her temperature and she wasn't running a fever and she was in a happy & content mood. I figured that she wasn't sick, but must have thrown up from coughing so hard. Traci said she could come to daycare as long as she was happy & not running a fever. But by this point, everything was in the washing machine so I didn't have a way to get her to daycare.
I stayed home with her in the morning. We watching cartoons, snuggled on the couch, ate lunch and had a great time. Nick got home at noon and stayed home with her while I went into work.
I snapped some pictures of her watching cartoons!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our Little Sleeping Beauty

It only took 8 months and Kimber is finally sleeping through the night in her crib. Not every night. But most nights. And it's amazing!
She was a good sleeper when she was a newborn. Waking up twice a night to nurse at first and then once a night as she got a little older. Usually the same time every night. She would nurse and fall right back to sleep, so I was never up longer than 30 minutes at a time. It was our routine and I was used to it.
In September, we moved her from the rock n play to the crib. It took about a week and we had trained her to sleep through the night in her crib. It was great!! And then in October, she got her first ear infection and everything changed. She didn't want to sleep in her crib {laying flat} and wasn't sleeping through the night. Her ear infection took 3 months {and 3 different kinds of antibiotics} to clear up - so between October and the middle of January - she slept in the swing in her room every single night. Some nights it took us 2 hours just to get her to sleep and she wouldn't stay asleep for long. Some night we were up with her in the middle of the night for hours. She wasn't crabby or crying {usually}. She just didn't want to sleep. We'd  sit with her in the lazy boy with the tv on low and hang out until she fell back to sleep.
After she got her next ear infection in January and was put back on antibiotics, she was a completely different sleeper. Nick decided one night to lay her in the crib to see what happened. She cried for 30 minutes and then fell asleep. And slept through the night. The next night she cried for 20 minutes. And each night was less & less until she wasn't crying at all and just falling asleep. Most nights, she sleeps through the night. Some nights, she wakes up in the middle of the night and we let her cry it out and she'll fall asleep within a short period of time. While other nights, we have to get up with her after she's cried for too long. We usually pick her up and she falls asleep on our shoulder and we can lay her back down. I guess she just needs a snuggle in the middle of the night.
After 8 months, we do our night time routine and lay her in the crib and she's out in 5 minutes or so. I heard rumors of these babies that you just lay in their crib and they fall asleep. And now we have one!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

14 Days of Hearts: Day 14

Outfit 14: Today is the big day!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
These jammies are from the Carters holiday line at Walmart. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her before bedtime, so we did it this morning. Usually Nick gets her out of bed {while I'm downstairs pumping} and sits her on our bed while he gets ready. She's pretty good about entertaining herself until he's ready and brings her downstairs for her bottle. Also, at 8.5 months - we're still able to sit her on our bed and leave her since she's not moving yet!
This top is also from the Carters holiday line at Walmart and the tights with tutu and headpiece are from a boutique {Pumpkin Patch} in Ames. They usually carry a couple holiday outfits that are a little different than what at the other stores in Ames {which mostly all carry Carters}.
I've been taking these pictures in the morning before daycare. Which means I don't have the best lighting. So I try to brighten them up the best I can, but I'm not an expert so they don't always turn out the greatest! Nick bought me the photo editing software Lightroom last weekend {Happy early Valentine's to me}, so I'm hoping to get it set up and learn to use it soon!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Water baby

This winter has been long & cold!! I'm so ready for nicer weather. But until then, we have to find different things to do with Kimber inside. Last weekend, we took her swimming at the hotel in town.
She loved kicking her feet as I pulled her around! However, she wasn't a big fan of laying on her back. There were 2 people in the 4 foot section doing aerobics, so I had to stay in the 3 foot section with her. Which means I was in a squat position most of the time. My thighs were burning by the time we got out! Next time, we'll bring a floaty she can sit and play in!
I was a little sad when I put her in her swimsuit. I got it on clearance at Target last fall and bought a size 12 - thinking it would fit her this summer. But it's fits her now and she's not even 9 months!! How can my baby girl be wearing 12 month clothes already?!?

Snow bunny

We haven't had the chance to take Kimber outside to play in the snow until this week. We haven't gotten much snow this year. Mostly it's just been brutally cold. Not ideal weather for a baby to be outside. But this week was perfect - it snowed in the morning and was almost 30 degrees by the time we got home from work/daycare. I bundled us both up and headed outside.
She never actually touched the snow, so I can't say that she loved it.
But it appears that she loved being all bundled up like a marshmallow. Or maybe she loved the fact that she was outside for the first time in months?!? Either way - she was a happy girl!

Kimber's Valentine's Day Card

When my daycare provider told me they were going to have a Valentine's party, I was excited to create a Valentine's day card from Kimber! Since most of the kids are young and I wasn't sure what kind of candy they could eat - I decided to do a goldfish valentine. I know they all love goldfish at snack time and I'm sure they'll have enough candy & sugar that day!
I found this free printable online and it was super easy and inexpensive! All I needed was white cardstock {which I already had at home}, snack bags and  a box of goldfish.
Kimber tried to help me make them, but she just wanted to stick everything in her mouth so Nick gave her a bath while I finished them up. It took me maybe 30 minutes to make them and they turned out so cute!

Kimber's Valentine's Day Card Box

We had some extra time this past weekend, so I ran into Hobby Lobby to look around and Nick sat in the car with Kimber while she was napping. I didn't have a list of things to get - I just hadn't been in there so long that I felt the urge to go and browse. After wandering around the store for 5 minutes, I realized that I could make a Valentine's box for Kimber's daycare party. I picked up a cardboard heart box, scrapbook paper, a couple stickers and ribbon.  I had already designed it in my head and hoped it turned out just how I envisioned it.
It took me about 30 minutes to make and it turned out exactly like I wanted! I was going to put an opening on the top, but decided against it. I had a feeling I would mess it up and ruin the entire thing. Plus, this way - I can use it as a keepsake box for her.
After making the Valentine's box, I realized how much I miss crafting & being creative. I haven't had much time to do stuff like this since Kimber was born. But her birthday is a little over 3 months away, so I see lots of crafting in the near future!!