Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Kimber: Eight Months Old

My sweet baby girl. You have really become such a mama's girl. Whenever you hear my voice, you look around to find me. Even when Daddy has me on speaker phone, he says you look for me when you hear my voice.
I love spending time with you. One of my favorite times of the day when I get to nurse you at night. It's our excuse to sit in the chair & snuggle while Daddy does the dishes!! You go everywhere with us - shopping, out to eat, weddings and {unfortunately} funerals. You are such a good girl everywhere you go! You love to look around and see what is going on. I'm trying to teach you that staring is not very nice, but no one seems to care when smile at them!
Not every day is easy, but it's worth every minute. It's only been a short 8 months, but I can't imagine my life without you.

Weight: 19 pounds 5 ounces {79%}
Height: 27.5 inches {home measurement}
Diaper Size: Size 3.  

Clothing Size: 6-9 month.
Sleeping:  Dare I say she's finally sleeping well?!? At the beginning of the month, Kimber was still sleeping in the swing, taking forever to fall asleep and waking up several times a night. Now we know that her bad sleeping could have been due to an ear infection. Once she was on medicine - she was a completely different sleeper! We started putting her in the crib and she's been sleeping so much better. The first couple of nights, we had to let her cry it out for about 30 minutes, but after only a couple of nights she's putting herself to sleep in less than10 minutes and has slept thru the night! Considering she hasn't really slept thru the night since October {when she got her first ear infection}, Nick & I are really enjoying the extra sleep!!

Her naps have gotten more routine since going back to daycare. She takes a short 20 minute on the way to and from daycare. A short 30-45 minute nap at 10am. And a long 1.5-2 hour nap at 1pm.

Food: Breast milk & Baby food. She continues to be a great eater! She is taking a bottle every 4 hours. She drinks a 5oz bottle {with 1 oz of water} at 6am, 10am and 2pm and I nurse her at 6pm. She eats 3 meals a day - breakfast and lunch at daycare and supper at home around 6:30. We've started giving her some table food, but not too much since I'm a first time mom and scared she's going to choke!

Health: Being healthy didn't last long. She got another ear infection on January 21. It's so hard to tell when she has an ear infection. She doesn't run a fever and she isn't super crabby - she just wasn't sleeping very well and was grabbing at her ears more than usual, so I took her to the doctor to have them looked at. At least this time, she didn't have a double ear infection - only her right ear this time. We've decided to give her another round of meds and go back in 2 weeks for a check up. If it's gone - then we'll wait until she get another one. But if she still has it - we'll move forward with getting tubes.

Nicknames: Kibber. Kimbee Cole. Kimber Sue. Sissy {by mom}, Monkey {by dad}

Likes: {new} Fisher-Price Crawl Around Car. Eating. Bath time. Wash Cloths.

{same as last month}:  "Getting Mommy & Daddy". Jumperoo. Puffs.Vtech music toy. Swing {to sleep in}.  

We gave Kimber the Fisher-Price Crawl Around Car for Christmas and she loves it! She can sit in the car for atleast 30 minutes by herself and play.

This girl loves to eat! She will drinking her bottle and then eat a meal afterwards. And anytime you give her a puff - she'll eat them too!

Kimber has always loved bath time and now that she's in the big girl bath she's enjoying playing with all her new bath toys.

I know I've said it before, but Kimber definitely has her Daddy's laid back attitude. She is one of the most content babies I've ever met. She literally sat on the floor and played with a wet wash cloth for almost an hour one night. While most babies her age are crawling around getting into things, she's just sitting there with a smile on her face.

Disikes: BMs. Medicine. Diaper changing (rash)

At the beginning of the month, Kimber was having issues having bowel movements. Since she's had breast milk from day one, she's was always very regular & had no problems in this area. But after adding solids to her diet, this all changed. She would scream while she was trying to go because she was constipated. We started putting 1oz of water and 1oz of prune/apple juice in her milk bottles and that was enough to help her have regular BMs.

This is the 4th time Kimber has been on medicine {for an ear infection} since October and she's over it. She will barely open her mouth for the medicine and squirm around trying to get away. We have to hold her down to give her the medicine and when we do get it in her mouth - she likes to blow it out.

After being on the medicine for 2 days, she had the opposite problem with BMs. She had 3 blowouts in 2 days. HUGE blowouts! And this lead to a pretty bad diaper rash. We've been giving her baths at night, taking her diaper off to air it out and using lots of diaper ointments on her.

Things to note:
Kimber finally got teeth this month! Her bottom left tooth came in on January 5 and her bottom right came in on January 17. Luck for us, she wasn't very crabby for her first teething experience. Let's hope all her teeth come in this easy!

We've been giving Kimber a bath in the kitchen sink since she came home from the hospital. Even though she's been able to sit for a couple of months, we never moved her to the big girl bath. Mostly, because we're lazy it is much quicker & convenient to give her a bath in the sink. But we started giving her a bath in the tub on January 21 and she's loving it!!

Kimber is still not rolling over or crawling. But we've been trying to get her to move! We know she could roll over if she wanted to because if we give her the slighted nudge, she will roll over. She did move from sitting position to belly on January 26. Not a huge accomplishment but it's something! But ofcourse, then she was stuck on her belly & started whining!

I had my work holiday party on January 25, so Kimber had a slumber party at Gramma & Papa's house with Chloe & Abey. Chloe told her mom that she had to go to Gramma's house to help take care of Kimber. So adorable!

Kimber has been spending a lot of time with Daddy this month since I have been working so much due to year-end reporting. By the time I get home from work, Nick has fed and bathed her and she's ready for bed. I nurse her, read our nightly books and put her to bed. Things have gotten better this last week and I'm getting home at a decent time & am able to spend more time with her.  


Friday, January 24, 2014

You're gonna hear me roar....

Is there anything cuter than a baby in a hooded bath towel??
We received this Pottery Barn lion hooded towel as a gift from a co-worker and it's my favorite! It's so soft & warm and the perfect size for Kimber! She's outgrowing most of her other hooded towels, so I might have to put a couple of these on her birthday wish list!
When I look at these pictures - all I can think about is Katie Perry's song "Roar"
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
 If you look really close - you can see her bottom tooth!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Big Girl Bath

Kimber has loved bath time since the first bath we gave her when she got home from the hospital. She loves having the water run over her head & face and loves to lick up the water when we spray her with the hose on the sink. Even though she's been sitting like a pro for a couple months now, we've been putting off giving her a bath in the tub because it's so much easier to do it in the kitchen sink. But we knew she would love splashing around in the water, so it was time to make the change.
At first, she wasn't sure what to think of it. She just sat there with her arms up, not wanting to touch anything. After pouring water over her head, she warmed up to the idea of the big girl bath and started to enjoy it. Nick washed her down {while I took pictures} and then we let her play for awhile. She has received several bath toys as shower gifts and Christmas gifts, but she didn't care about any of them. Nope, instead she played with the wash cloth the entire time! She's suck the water out of it, place it back in the water to refill it and then suck on it some more!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Elephant Rides

The last couple weeks have been crazy!! As an accountant, January is the busiest time of the year for me as I prepare for the audit and work on the financial statements. I easily work 12 hours days and most weekends. It's hard being away from Kimber, but I'm glad it's Nick's slow time with work {no farming in Iowa during the winter!!} so he is able to take care of her. Most nights, when I get home from work, he has feed her, bathed her and she's in her jammies. I get home just in time to read to her and put her to bed.

I got home from work at a decent time on Saturday, so I was able to spend more time with Kimber. We all three hung out in her room for a while playing with some new toys she got for Christmas. Landon & Allysha got Kimber this elephant plush rocker for Christmas. Even though she's not big enough to rock in it herself, she loved sitting on it as Nick helped her rock.

We've also been working on trying to get her to crawl. This girl is super content to just sit on her bottom and play for hours. Don't get me wrong, I love that we can just leave her on the floor and get things done. But as a first time mom, I also want to witness the next stages. Rolling over. Crawling. Any kind of movements would be fun to see. She's starting to put her legs underneath her, but she hasn't moved yet. But we're making progress and she's getting closer!!

This girl is happy all.the.time. She smiles with her whole face. Her eyes twinkle when she smiles. But for some reason, when I pull out the big camera - she stops smiling and gets this serious look on her face!





Saturday, January 11, 2014

New toys for Kimber & Mom

If you know me, then you know I love pictures. I bought a 'fancy' camera about 2 years ago and have been learning how to take pictures ever since. I'm not an expert at all, but I love capturing special moment of family & friends. I've thought about taking a photography class to learn how to use my camera, but I haven't signed up for one yet. Maybe someday.  I've heard great things about the Canon 50mm f/l.8 lens and have been wanting it for awhile now, so I put it on my Christmas list this year.  I've been playing with it since Christmas Day, trying to figure out how to use it and not have blurry pictures.  Luckily, I have the perfect model for my pictures!

Kimber has really started to love her jumperoo. She's a jumping fool in it! On New Years Eve, she jumped in it for close to an hour. Which made her really tired and she slept great - win!

Side note - It's really hard to get good pictures of a baby jumping up & down! I had to wait until she was taking a rest to capture these pictures. And when I'd say her name to have her look at me, she'd get excited and start jumping again!

For Christmas, we gave Kimber the Fischer Price Laugh & Learn Crawl Around Car. I wasn't sure how much she'd like it and was concerned about the size & how much space it would take up in our livingroom. But she loves this car!! She will sit in it and play by herself for long periods of time.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Bedtime Stories

One of my favorite times of the day is story time with Kimber. After bath time & just before we put her down for the night. It's just the 2 of us in her room. Snuggling in the glider. Reading books. I usually read the same 3 books to her every night. But during December, I bought Christmas books to read to her by the light of the Christmas tree.

 These were some of our favorite books to read this year.


Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas Day Wrap-up

Christmas Day started out with us at home, just the 4 of us. I made cinnamon rolls & coffee for breakfast and opened gifts. Santa brought Kimber the Anywhere Chair from Pottery Barn and stocking stuffers for both Kimber & Jayde. Kimber opened gifts from us and did pretty good with the wrapping paper & tissue paper. Although, she did try to eat it!!

After opening gifts at home, we got ready and went to Great Gramma & Grampa Hoversten's house for dinner and we finished out the day at Nick's parents. By the end of the day, we were all exhausted and ready to relax at home! We all came home with great gifts, but more importantly, we were able to spend time with family and to me that's the most important part of the holidays!