I can't believe Kimber is already 3 months old! The time is flying by way.too.fast!
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She looks so much like Daddy in this picture! |
I feel blessed each & every day that God picked us to be her parents. She has brought so much joy to our lives in three short months! We have been so lucky that she is such a good baby. From the beginning - she ate well, slept well and hardly cries {except for that 3 week old fussy time}. Don't get me wrong - there have been hard times - but overall she's so happy & easy going that it outweighs the hard times!
She is such a happy & smiley baby. Especially in the morning when Daddy is getting her ready for the day. I love that Nick gets this one on one time with her. He wakes her up, feeds & dresses her and drops her off at daycare. There is nothing more special than watching the bond between these two grow every day.
She is such a happy & smiley baby. Especially in the morning when Daddy is getting her ready for the day. I love that Nick gets this one on one time with her. He wakes her up, feeds & dresses her and drops her off at daycare. There is nothing more special than watching the bond between these two grow every day.
Weight: 14 pounds, 1 ounces {estimate}.
Height: 24.5 inches {estimate}.
Diaper Size: Size 1. But she should probably be in Size 2. We have several Size 1 diapers that we got as shower gifts that we'll use up and then transition her to the next size.
Clothing Size: 3-6 month. The weekend of of August 17, we packed most of her 0-3 month clothes. At her 2 month appointment, her stats showed that she should already be in 3-6 month clothes, but I was in denial that she was already getting so big! After seeing her in pajamas and not being able to stretch out in them - I knew it was time to move up to the next size. Now all her clothes are so big on her. It seems like just when clothes start fitting her good - it's time to move up to the next size!
Sleeping: Kimber is a great sleeper! She started sleeping through the night on August 5 {almost 10 weeks old}. We put her down around 9:30pm and Nick wakes her up at 6:15am to get her ready for daycare.
She's really starting to establish her own sleep schedule. She typically sleeps in the morning at daycare {since we have to wake her up in the morning} and is awake most of the afternoon. She takes a 20 minute cat nap on the ride home from daycare and will normally take a 30 minute nap in the early evening.
She is still sleeping in our room at night in the rock & play. We plan on starting the transition to the crib in September. I'd like to get her used to the crib before harvest starts and I'm home alone most of the night by myself {and have to deal with a fussy baby if she doesn't like it}
She is still sleeping in our room at night in the rock & play. We plan on starting the transition to the crib in September. I'd like to get her used to the crib before harvest starts and I'm home alone most of the night by myself {and have to deal with a fussy baby if she doesn't like it}
Food: Exclusively on breast milk.
She eats every 3 hours. On August 13, we increased her daycare bottles from 4oz to 5oz. I nurse her whenever she's not at daycare - nights and weekends.
We have been so lucky that breastfeeding has worked so well for us. From the beginning, she latched on well, I was producing enough milk and it wasn't hurting me. I hear stories about moms going through so much for breastfeeding to work - problems latching so they use breast shields or not producing enough so having to pump around the clock or other issues - and we have not had any of those issues so far {knock on wood}. My goal is to make it 6 months exclusively breastfeeding her, but I figure if I can make it that long...might as well go for the whole year!!
Some days Kimber spits up quite a bit after eating. Other days she doesn't spit up at all. We keep a bib on her just to be safe!
Kimber loves play time on the activity gym. She swats at the hanging toys, talks to the toys and looks in the mirror at herself! She really enjoys any kind of musical toys. I even play music on Pandora for her and she loves it!
Kimber didn't want anything to do with toys {holding them/playing with them} until a week ago. The Oball has quickly become one of her favorite toy to play with. Along with Sophie the Giraffe and Freddie the Firefly.
We don't watch much TV in our house, but one show that always catches her eye is So You Think You Can Dance - she loves all the lights & music.
We introduced her to the bumbo this month and she really enjoys sitting in it. She likes to be upright and look around, so I figured she'd really like the bumbo. We usually put her in the kitchen with us while we're doing dishes/making dinner and dancing to Pandora!
She's really starting to like her stroller and going on walks. At daycare, they go on a walk everyday {sometimes twice a day} and she wasn't a huge fan on it at first but she really likes it now! Again, she likes to sit up and looks around at everything!
We are still swaddling her at night. I'm not sure how long we'll swaddle her but right now she seems to like it and sleeps well at night.
Disikes: It's hard to come up with dislikes. She's really such a good baby that she doesn't get upset about very many things. She doesn't like to be cold - so she is always wearing socks and we keep extra blankets with us. She doesn't like to stay in one place for very long & wants to look around to know what's going on. But now that she is sitting in her bumbo and other chairs - we don't have to walk her around as much!
Things to note:
Kimber has found her hands and loves them. She puts them in her mouth constantly - as you can see from several of these pictures! She wears a bib all day long due to the drooling {and the spitting up after eating}.
Kimber received a lovie blanket when she was first born and has discovered it in the last month. We've named it Ziggy. She likes to hold onto it in her car seat or while sitting in her bumbo. When she's not chewing on her hands...she's chewing on Ziggy!
She had her 2 month shots when she was 10 weeks old. She did really good with the shots and we didn't have to give her any medicine to get through it!
I blogged about it here: First Shots
Kimber had her first slumber party at Gramma & Papa's when she was 12 weeks old. Gramma picked her up from daycare on a Friday and kept her overnight. Nick brought her home on Saturday after he was done working on the farm. We were able to have our first date night since having Kimber and went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. We were home & in bed by 9:45!! On Saturday morning, I was able to do some much needed cleaning around the house before she got back home. Kimber did so great the first night away, she even slept through the night for Gramma & Papa! Mom & Dad were another story! I cried at 6:00pm when I was suppose to be feeding her & had to pump instead, but after that initial sadness I was fine the rest of the time. Nick missed her on Saturday morning when he normally has his one on one time with her. He stopped by his parents on the way to the farm to see her, but she was taking her morning nap so he didn't get to play with her! Overall we did good - I only texted Gramma once to check on her - and I know she'll have lots of fun sleep overs there in the future!