Baby Size: Baby H is 14 inches and 1.75 pounds. The size of cucumber. The baby can hear Nick's voice now - I better buy some books for him to read to the baby!
Total weight gain: 24 pounds. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant and thought I'd only gain 25 pounds during the entire naive was I!?! The weight gain has seemed to slow down alittle...but so has the brownie sundae intake. Coincidence?!
Maternity clothes? Barely wearing anything non-maternity these days.
Maternity clothes? Barely wearing anything non-maternity these days.
Sleep: Still sleeping great most of the time! I had one night when I woke up every hour - but that was the night before the shower I hosted, so I think my brain just couldn't shut off. I was back to sleeping through the night the following night.
Best moment this week: Becoming a member of Nick's church. I know this is not pregnancy related, but it's something I wanted to do before the baby was born. Now the baby will be baptized in the same church we were married in and we're both a member of.
**All dressed up for church on Sunday - ready to become a member of the church**
Movement: I was so busy on Saturday, that when I finally had time to relax and sit on the couch at 8pm - I realized I hadn't felt the baby move all day! I made sure to drink plenty of apple juice the next day so I felt lots of movement! And ofcourse, I freaked myself out thinking the baby wasn't moving enough or the movements weren't strong enough...but once s/he had several strong kicks in a row - I was convinced everything was fine!
Food cravings: Not really. Just trying to eat a balanced diet at this point.
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Just when I thought the bloody noses were done - I got a really bad one this Saturday. Let's hope they're only once a week now instead of daily. My leg/foot is hurting less because I know what motions make it hurt, so I've try to avoid those positions {such as extending my foot out}.
Gender: Not finding out. This week's wives tales to predict the gender of the baby - Clumsiness: If you find yourself clumsier with pregnancy, its a boy. If you remain grounded ans still in control of your body, its a girl. Nick claims that I've been more clumsy with this pregnancy - which I agree considering the number of times I've spilled food & drinks! Based in this wives tale: it's a boy.
Have you started to show yet: I have completely embraced the belly and I love dressing the bump!! I think it's crazy how some days - my belly seems huge and other days I barely notice it!

Mood: Happy all week long!!
Stretch marks: None.
Belly button in or out: Barely in.
Wedding ring on or off: On.
Labor Signs: No.
I hosted a couples baby shower this past weekend for Rachel & Nolan. Everything turned out great and they received lots of great gifts for baby! The best gift was definitely the Poo-Poo Pail for Nolan. It was a 5 gallon bucket with diapers, wipes, butt paste, goggles, face mask and tongs! SO funny!! I'm headed to Chicago next weekend for a girls trip. We'll be doing some shopping, eating, drinking {for the non-preggers} and going to the Pink concert. The same group of girls went to Chicago 2 years ago for the Bon Jovi concert and we had a blast, so I can't wait for this trip!! I'm hoping to get in some good shopping & finding something cute to wear for maternity pictures!
**The girls on our last Chicago trip**
I was going to plan a babymoon for Nick & I in March, but I've decided there just isn't enough time for it. We're already traveling out of the state 3 times this month, so we'll only have 2 weekends at home - I'd rather stay home and relax those free weekends!
I read that Braxton Hicks contractions often begin around 26 weeks {insert panic face here} the thought of having contractions makes it more real that the baby will be here soon! And so will the labor pains...