**Trying to get creative instead of taking the same ol' picture every week**
How far along? 22 weeks
Baby Size: Baby H is 11 inches and has hit the 1 pound mark this week! The size of a spaghetti squash.
Total weight gain: 20 pounds. I've been getting on the treadmill 3x a week and it always makes me feel so much better!!
Maternity clothes? Still a mix of maternity & non-maternity clothes...but shifting more towards all maternity clothes. Mostly because I bought so much new stuff and it's fun to wear new things!!
Sleep: Sleeping like a baby....
Best moment this week: Nick felt the baby move for the first time!!! After about 2 weeks of rushing over to touch my belly after I told him I felt a kick - he finally felt the baby move! We even saw the baby move from the outside!!
Best moment this week: Nick felt the baby move for the first time!!! After about 2 weeks of rushing over to touch my belly after I told him I felt a kick - he finally felt the baby move! We even saw the baby move from the outside!!
Miss Anything? So far this pregnancy I have missed cold meat sandwiches, coffee and having a drink with friends. I'd say those are the 3 main things that I still miss at different times.
Movement: I love that I'm feeling so much movement now. From weeks 16-20 when 'they' said I should be able to feel movement and it was making me nervous something was wrong since I wasn't feeling strong kicks. {Ofcourse since this is my first pregnancy I didn't really know what I was suppose to be feeling} It's such a relief to feel Baby H kick/jab/move all the time now!!
Food cravings: I finally have to admit that I'm craving sweets with this pregnancy. Nick just laughs at me as I'm eating ice cream. If you know me...you know that I hardly ever eat sweets of any kind...they just don't normally appeal to me. But with this pregnancy - all I think about is a nightly dessert. {{I know what you're thinking - craving sweets - must be a girl!?!}}
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Still getting bloody noses. This week I've been feeling some pain/pressure in my lower abdomen. I'm going to assume it's either stretching to make room for baby or the position the baby is in. It hasn't been too painful to do anything about - just an uncomfortable feeling.
Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Still getting bloody noses. This week I've been feeling some pain/pressure in my lower abdomen. I'm going to assume it's either stretching to make room for baby or the position the baby is in. It hasn't been too painful to do anything about - just an uncomfortable feeling.
Gender: Not finding out. This week's wives tales to predict the gender of the baby - Morning Sickness: If you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester,
think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with nary an upset
stomach, it's blue all the way. Based in this wives tale: it's a boy.
Mood: Happy! Happy! Happy!
Stretch marks: None.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding ring on or off: On
Labor Signs: No
Stretch marks: None.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding ring on or off: On
Labor Signs: No
Thoughts: So far this pregnancy thing has been a piece of cake. I've had no sickness, haven't been super tired, haven't had any big symptoms {yet} AND haven't had migraines or been hungover in over 5 months!!! I know the hardest part is coming up - but so far I can say that I love being pregnant!! Nick loves me being pregnant, too - he knows he has a DD every time we go out!!
Pregnant people should not be allowed to make decisions. Picking out paint color doesn't seem like that big of a deal - but it's been all I've thought about this last week!! Will the color we painted the nursery work? Is it too blue/gray instead of true gray? How many more samples can I buy to determine if I really like it?!
I started the baby registry this week. I have no clue what we'll need & what to add to the registry. I've gotten input from friends & family {thanks, Adrienne!} on things I'll really need and things to not waste my money on - so that has helped me get started! I'll probably just add a bunch of stuff to the registry and review it later & take stuff off/add things as I get a better idea of what I'll need.
Who says pregnant girls aren't any fun?!? We went on a triple date with friends last Saturday night and didn't get home until almost 2am. I had my mock cocktail of choice - cranberry 7-up with lime - and had a great time!!
Sometimes it surprises me the things that Nick doesn't know about pregnancy. He didn't know the baby can get the hiccups while inside the belly and I can feel them. He didn't know what Braxton Hicks contractions were. I thought this was stuff that everyone knew. But I was reminded that I've been around pregnant people/babies for 20+ years...so there might be things that I have been exposed to that others haven't.
Pregnant people should not be allowed to make decisions. Picking out paint color doesn't seem like that big of a deal - but it's been all I've thought about this last week!! Will the color we painted the nursery work? Is it too blue/gray instead of true gray? How many more samples can I buy to determine if I really like it?!
I started the baby registry this week. I have no clue what we'll need & what to add to the registry. I've gotten input from friends & family {thanks, Adrienne!} on things I'll really need and things to not waste my money on - so that has helped me get started! I'll probably just add a bunch of stuff to the registry and review it later & take stuff off/add things as I get a better idea of what I'll need.
Who says pregnant girls aren't any fun?!? We went on a triple date with friends last Saturday night and didn't get home until almost 2am. I had my mock cocktail of choice - cranberry 7-up with lime - and had a great time!!
Sometimes it surprises me the things that Nick doesn't know about pregnancy. He didn't know the baby can get the hiccups while inside the belly and I can feel them. He didn't know what Braxton Hicks contractions were. I thought this was stuff that everyone knew. But I was reminded that I've been around pregnant people/babies for 20+ years...so there might be things that I have been exposed to that others haven't.