Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby H: 22 weeks

**Trying to get creative instead of taking the same ol' picture every week**

How far along? 22 weeks

Baby Size: Baby H is 11 inches and has hit the 1 pound mark this week! The size of a spaghetti squash.

Total weight gain: 20 pounds. I've been getting on the treadmill 3x a week and it always makes me feel so much better!!

Maternity clothes? Still a mix of maternity & non-maternity clothes...but shifting more towards all maternity clothes. Mostly because I bought so much new stuff and it's fun to wear new things!!

Sleep: Sleeping like a baby....

Best moment this week: Nick felt the baby move for the first time!!! After about 2 weeks of rushing over to touch my belly after I told him I felt a kick - he finally felt the baby move! We even saw the baby move from the outside!!

Miss Anything?  So far this pregnancy I have missed cold meat sandwiches, coffee and having a drink with friends. I'd say those are the 3 main things that I still miss at different times.

Movement: I love that I'm feeling so much movement now. From weeks 16-20 when 'they' said I should be able to feel movement and it was making me nervous something was wrong since I wasn't feeling strong kicks. {Ofcourse since this is my first pregnancy I didn't really know what I was suppose to be feeling} It's such a relief to feel Baby H kick/jab/move all the time now!!

Food cravings: I finally have to admit that I'm craving sweets with this pregnancy. Nick just laughs at me as I'm eating ice cream. If you know know that I hardly ever eat sweets of any kind...they just don't normally appeal to me. But with this pregnancy - all I think about is a nightly dessert. {{I know what you're thinking - craving sweets - must be a girl!?!}}

Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Still getting bloody noses. This week I've been feeling some pain/pressure in my lower abdomen. I'm going to assume it's either stretching to make room for baby or the position the baby is in. It hasn't been too painful to do anything about - just an uncomfortable feeling.

Gender: Not finding out. This week's wives tales to predict the gender of the baby - Morning SicknessIf you're stricken with a queasy stomach during your first trimester, think ribbons and bows. If you sail through your pregnancy with nary an upset stomach, it's blue all the way.  Based in this wives tale: it's a boy.
Have you started to show yet: Yep. The baby bump got alot of belly rubs on Saturday night when we went out with a group of friends. The funny thing about that is it was the boys that wanted to touch the belly...not the girls!!

Mood: Happy! Happy! Happy!

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding ring on or off: On

Labor Signs: No
Thoughts: So far this pregnancy thing has been a piece of cake. I've had no sickness, haven't been super tired, haven't had any big symptoms {yet} AND haven't had migraines or been hungover in over 5 months!!! I know the hardest part is coming up - but so far I can say that I love being pregnant!!  Nick loves me being pregnant, too  - he knows he has a DD every time we go out!!

Pregnant people should not be allowed to make decisions. Picking out paint color doesn't seem like that big of a deal - but it's been all I've thought about this last week!! Will the color we painted the nursery work? Is it too blue/gray instead of true gray? How many more samples can I buy to determine if I really like it?!

I started the baby registry this week. I have no clue what we'll need & what to add to the registry. I've gotten input from friends & family {thanks, Adrienne!} on things I'll really need and things to not waste my money on - so that has helped me get started! I'll probably just add a bunch of stuff to the registry and review it later & take stuff off/add things as I get a better idea of what I'll need.

Who says pregnant girls aren't any fun?!? We went on a triple date  with friends last Saturday night and didn't get home until almost 2am. I had my mock cocktail of choice - cranberry 7-up with lime - and had a great time!!

Sometimes it surprises me the things that Nick doesn't know about pregnancy. He didn't know the baby can get the hiccups while inside the belly and I can feel them. He didn't know what Braxton Hicks contractions were. I thought this was stuff that everyone knew. But I was reminded that I've been around pregnant people/babies for 20+ there might be things that I have been exposed to that others haven't.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby H: 21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks

Baby Size: Baby H is 12.7 oz and 10.5 inches. The size of a banana.

Total weight gain: 19 pounds.

Maternity clothes? I'm doing a mix of regular clothes and maternity clothes. I still wear all my pre-pregnancy leggings with cardigans/tunics, but I'm also wearing maternity jeans/tops/dresses. It's nice to have more options for things to wear. I'm actually finding it a lot of fun to dress the bump {and show it off} right now. Maternity clothes aren't the cutest - but at least I have a baby bump as an accessory to make them look cuter!!!
Sleep: Still no issues with sleep.

My MIL is a rock star painter!
Best moment this week: The nursery is painted!! Nick & his mom painted the room while I was at work on Saturday morning. I'm still trying to decide if I love the paint color - it's more of a blue/gray than a true gray. We picked up the rest of the furniture for the nursery on Sunday. I wanted to put it together right away, but I have to wait for Nick to put up the crown molding in the room. {bummer} The room is starting to come together!

Miss Anything?  We went to a wedding this past weekend and I really wanted to have a drink! It wasn't really the drink itself that I was missing...but the act of drinking with everyone.  This is the first wedding I've been to where I haven't drank - I didn't realize how much more fun wedding are with a beer in your hand!! But I also loved that I wasn't hung over the next day!!


Movement: I beginning to feel more & more movement - mostly at night after I eat supper and I'm sitting on the couch. Probably due to the fact that I'm relaxing & concentrating on it more. I'm really starting to feel kicks & punches now! Every time I feel something, Nick hurries to feel my belly...but he hasn't felt anything yet.

Food cravings: No cravings - but I am eating more sweets than I ever did before I was pregnant. I'm usually not a huge fan of chocolate/desserts, but the baby seems to like them!!

Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Week 3 of bloody noses. I'm ready to be done with this symptom.

Gender: Not finding out, but I thought it would be fun to do some of the old wives tales to predict the gender of the baby. Chinese Birth Chart:  This method usese the Lunar calendar to determine your babies gender based on the mothers age at time of conception and the month of conception. Based in this wives tale: it's a girl.

Have you started to show yet: Everyone says the bump looks bigger in person than in my weekly bump update pictures. I had a lot of people came up to me at the wedding and comment on my baby bump! I've actually had strangers make comments on my belly and asking when I am due - I feel like it seems more real when random people start up a conversation about it!

Mood: Let the stress continue. Still looking for a daycare. My Grandpa went back into the hospital with kidney/bladder/heart issues. My nephew {who has cancer} is in the hospital. And I'm still working extra hours due to year-end reporting.

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding ring on or off: On

Labor Signs: No

Thoughts: Nick & I attended a wedding on Saturday night for a high school buddy of his. The wedding was performed by the same Pastor that married us. It's amazing how different a wedding ceremony is after you get married - I feel like you listen to the sermon closer and are more happy for the couple because you know how amazing marriage is. 

All of sudden, I feel like I need to start getting things ready for the baby - like now!. Get the nursery done. Start the registry. Maybe it's because I finally started working on the nursery and once I start planning out!! I go crazy! But I also know we'll have a busy April/May/June. We have 3 baby showers planned for Baby H, baby showers for friends, wedding showers, 4 weddings and several high school graduations. It's going to be crazy busy!! I'd like to get as much done as I can in February/March since most of my weekends will be full later on!!

I'm hosting a couples baby shower for a friend of mine {her husband & Nick are good friends} and I can't wait!! Again, I love planning events. But I'm also so excited for them to welcome Baby Boy R into the world! I've been searching Pinterest for shower ideas!!

Nick's old co-worker was in town for work this week, so we had a few friends over for dinner. One of the wives is due 5 days after me. So we broke away from the rest of the group & talked all things baby. It's so much fun to have friends due at the same time as me and to share stories/experiences!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Ultrasound: Baby's first pictures!!

We had our ultrasound at 20 weeks and it was an amazing experience!

When the ultrasound technician walked into the room - I told her that we didn't want to find out what we were having and she never told/showed us. By the end of the ultrasound, she knew what we were having but didn't put anything in our file so the nurse or doctor wouldn't slip and tell us.

Going into the ultrasound appointment, I was both nervous and excited. My nervousness was due to the fact that I have a family history of medical issues - a sister with Down's syndrome, a cousin with William's syndrome, a nephew with several medical issues and a niece born with a cleft lip. I know not all these medical issues are hereditary, but it also makes you more aware of problems that can happen when having a baby. I was worried the ultrasound technician was going to find something wrong with our baby. But with every measurement and test she did on the baby - I relaxed more & more as she said the results looked normal. Finally, she told us that everything looked great and the baby was healthy!! I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I was so happy...I started crying because I was so excited that we were going to have a healthy baby!

Meet Baby H - happy & healthy!!!
I even asked her to look at the baby's toes to see if she could tell if it had my toes {my 2nd toe overlaps my big toe} and she didn't believe the baby's were crossed - woohoo - the baby won't have my ugly feet!!

Look at baby's little foot - so cute!!

The ultrasound took about 45 minutes and we were in awe the entire time! Baby H was alittle sleepy at first, so s/he didn't move very much. But as the exam continued - s/he was moving more & more! We were able to see the baby moving it's mouth - Nick said the baby is going to take after mom and talk alot!! We saw the baby kicking, stretching, moving it's arms and squirm around - with every movement it made me happy to know that everything was going well with the pregnancy.

The baby is measuring about 3 days behind my due date. Part of me is not surprised about this since both Nick & I are on the short side...maybe it just means that we'll have a smaller baby??! Who knows...I might just be making that up? Since I've gotten pregnant, I felt like I was going to go past my due date and after hearing this news - it makes me think that even more.

One of my favorite parts of the ultrasound - Nick held my hand during the entire thing and he was so attentive - asked the technician several questions about what he was seeing. We would squeeze each other's hand when we saw the baby's heart beat, the baby moving around or when it sucked on it's hand.

After seeing the baby on the ultrasound - it makes me even more excited to meet Baby H!! Only 20 more weeks until we get to meet our baby!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baby H: 20 weeks

How far along? 20 weeks {HALF WAY THERE!!}

Baby Size: Baby H is 10.6 oz and 6.5 inches. The size of an small cantaloupe.

Total weight gain: 17 pounds.

Maternity clothes? I've been on a shopping spree lately - lots & lots of maternity clothes. I'm hoping these clothes will get me most of the way through the rest of the pregnancy. {But I know I'll buy pieces here & there for special occasions}  I ordered everything online and tried them on when I got them in the I figured I'd snap a couple pictures!

Sleep: I'm enjoying it while I can still get it!!

Best moment this week: Seeing Baby H on the ultrasound!! I was so nervous the technician was going to tell us there was something wrong with the baby {due to a family history of medical issues}. I was SO relieved when she said Baby H was healthy...made me so happy...and cry like a baby.

Miss Anything?  Coffee. Good coffee with lots of caffeine and flavor. I've stopped drinking coffee and have 1 can of Diet Mountain Dew a day. I can't wait to have a Pumpkin Spice Latte when this pregnancy is over!!

Movement: I am definitely feeling real movement now. It is still happening about 30 minutes after I eat, but it is more defined kicks instead of just a feeling in my lower belly. Nick lays on my belly at night, hoping to hear the baby move, but all he ever hears is my stomach growling.

Food cravings: Two weekends of pancakes and I'm over that phase. I haven't really been eating anything too crazy with this pregnancy {yet}. I actually eat the same thing everyday during the week - granola bar for breakfast; apple for 10am snack; grilled chicken salad with cottage cheese for lunch; orange for 4pm snack and then something half-way healthy for supper. Of course, I throw sweets in there but overall it's pretty boring. Oh...and the weekends are a free-for-all...never know what I'll eat on the weekend but I bet that's where most of my calorie intake is happening!!

Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: No sickness. Still getting bloody noses - mostly in the mornings {part of that might be due to the dry air}.

Gender: I had 3 dreams last week about baby girls...wonder if that's a sign that we're having a girl?!?

Have you started to show yet: The baby bump is getting bigger! I'm sure I'll look back in 10 weeks and laugh at the size of my {little} bump at 20 weeks!
Mood: Stressed. Not gonna lie - this week has been stressful. It's my busy time at work with year-end reporting, so I'm working extra hours {including weekends}. We're still looking for daycare. And my grandpa has been in the hospital with heart and kidney issues. Maybe I need to go for a massage?!?

**And since I'm half way done - I've added a couple new topics**

Stretch marks: Nope, I lube up with Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion every morning & hoping I don't get any!

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding ring on or off: On

Labor Signs: No
Thoughts: I feel blessed everyday that I am experiencing this pregnancy. It took us almost 1 1/2 years to get to this point, so I am not taking any of it for granted. I am embracing all the good & bad that may come with this pregnancy. I thank God that our prayers were answered.

The ultrasound went great. We told the technician right way that we didn't want to find out what we were having and she never showed us "the goods". The baby cooperated well, so they were able to do all the measurements and determine everything looked healthy with the baby. I am measuring alittle behind my due date - about 3 days, so I could go later than my June 5 due date.

Picking out names is hard! We've had a girls name picked out since week 6 and are still about 99.99% set on that name. A boys name?? Nothing. We can't agree on a name at all.

Have I mentioned that I'm not really a baby person? I'm not the type of person that oooh's and aaah's over pictures of babies. When there are babies around - I don't feel the need to hold them like most woman do. Don't get me wrong - I love kids...but more so when they get to be about 1 1/2 years old and are fun to play with!! Guess I better become a baby person {soon}!


Monday, January 14, 2013

Nursery Notes

It's safe to say that I'm in full nursery planning mode. If you know me - you know I love to plan things - any excuse to make a list makes me happy!! The list has started...

First up - picking out the fabric. When I started thinking about decorating the nursery, I didn't want to buy a bedding set with a  bumper, blanket, crib skirt, etc. Instead I wanted to pick fabric that I loved and base the room around it.  I knew I wanted something gender neutral since we were not finding out the sex of the baby and our kids will be sharing a room {once another one comes along}. I searched the Internet and found the perfect fabric on - {Premier Prints Twill Line} it had the color & pattern combinations that I was going for. Once I received them in the mail and saw them in person - I loved them even more!!
The room will be based around the colors in the chevron pattern - gray, white, apple green, red and aqua. I am searching for a basic aqua cotton fabric to add as an accent piece. 
Next up - picking out the crib. When I started looking at nursery inspirations on Pinterest, I fell in love with colored cribs. I really wanted an apple green colored crib, but that was too hard to find & I didn't want to paint one. So I went with a gray crib instead. I decided on the Baby Mod Modena crib from Walmart in cool gray.
The crib was really easy to put together - it only took me 20 minutes. After putting the crib together and seeing it with the fabric - I knew my vision was all coming together!
Next up - picking out paint color. As you can see from the pictures above - this ugly yellow color has got to go! The room was painted this color when we moved in and I never took the time to repaint it since I knew it would be the nursery someday.
I want to paint the room a darker gray color and have picked out 4 sample colors.
Finding a true gray color is harder than I thought it would be - most have either a purple {#4} or green {#1} undertone to them.  I'm leaning towards sample #3, but want to see them in the daylight before I make my final decision.
Nick is working on prepping the room, so he can start painting it this week.

Our furniture was picked up from Ikea this weekend and we should have it sometime this week!! That's all the progress we've made on the nursery so far...not too bad for 2 weeks!!
Next on our list of to-do's is:
1. Finalize the paint color
2. Paint the room
3. Put up crown molding
4. Order a crib mattress
5. Put furniture together
I'm hoping to get these steps done in the next 2-3 weeks. More to come as progress is made...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Nursery Inspiration

I'm almost half way through this pregnancy and I've finally caught the "decorate the nursery" bug. So of course, I've been pinning away ideas on Pinterest {love the new secret boards} - trying to find ideas and inspiration!

Here are some items that I've been drawn towards:
  • Apple Green - This color has stuck out to me. I love it and I feel it's perfect for a gender neutral nursery. {Green is my favorite color,so I'm not surprised I'm drawn towards this color}
  • Orange - I love this color and might add pops of it into the nursery. My only concern is that it seems more boyish to me and feel it might make the nursery look like it's for a little boy.
  • Gray - Gray is the new brown for the neutral base color. You can hardly find any nursery inspirations that don't have gray walls, cribs, fabric or other gray items incorporated  {or maybe that's all I'm looking at}.
  • White furniture - I like the white furniture for a couple reasons. We live in the country and it seems like I'm always dusting our dark furniture. White seems more clean, fresh and simple. I really like the way it looks.

Here are some nurseries that have been an inspiration to me:

I pretty much love everything about this nursery. The color scheme, the fabric, the white furniture, the simplicity - it's everything I am looking for in a nursery. Unfortunately,  like I said  - I feel like the orange makes it look like a baby boy's I'm going to stay away from so much of that color.

You'll see a theme with the next nursery inspiration rooms - dark gray walls, plush rockers, gray/white furniture, pops of green and fun prints on the walls.

I also want to have good storage in the nursery and this piece from Ikea would be perfect. I love the pops of green with the baskets!!
The Hemnes bedroom line from Ikea is perfect for the nursery. I love how the dresser doubles as a changing table.
I've already ordered the crib and fabric for the nursery {I plan on making the crib skirt, pillows and curtains}. I know it's going to be a lot of work, but I'm excited to get started on decorating the nursery!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baby H: 19 weeks

How far along? 19 weeks

Baby Size: Baby H is 8.5 oz and 6.0 inches. The size of an heirloom tomato.

Total weight gain: 16 pounds. Watching the number on the scale go up is hard. I've been watching my calorie intake & walking on the treadmill and it still keeps going up faster than I would like it to! I thought I'd gain 25-30 pounds during this pregnancy, but now I'm thinking it'll be closer to 40 {GULP!}. Did I mention I am the matron of honor in my sisters wedding - 4 months after my due date!?!

Maternity clothes? Yep. I finally broke down and ordered several maternity  tops/bottoms/dresses - luckily the spring line is coming out and I could get winter clothes on sale. I was getting tired of wearing the same outfits every week and I needed more options.

Sleep: No issues with sleep.

Best moment this week: The crib & fabric were delivered and I'm loving them both!!! Now time to pick out the paint color for the nursery!  {the color is alittle off in this picture - the fabric is red & not pink}

Miss Anything?  I really wanted to have a drink this week while watching the Packers vs Vikings game...a vodka tonic with lime sounded so good!! I settled for water.
Movement: I didn't think I was feeling movement, but then I realized about 30 minutes after I eat - I feel something in my lower belly. I came to realize this must be the baby moving. I can't wait for the movement to be stronger!! {I know I'll be eating my words later in this pregnancy when the kicking baby is keeping me up all night!!}}

Food cravings: I'm not sure if it's a craving - but I've ate an apple and/or orange almost everyday of this pregnancy. Since I've gotten pregnant - I have a 10am & 4 pm snack and fruit is my typical snack of choice.  Something new that I've been wanting a lot of - pancakes. I never ate pancakes before I was pregnant, but now they sound so good! I only allow myself to have them on Saturday mornings.

Anything making you queasy or sick/symptoms: Still feeling fine. I have entered the bloody nose stage. It's awesome {not}. I've also been feeling the round ligament pain - it hasn't been that bad, but I can definitely tell the uterus is stretching.

Gender: Not finding out.

Have you started to show yet: Yep - the belly just keeps getting bigger!
Mood: Now that I'm showing & wearing maternity clothes, my friends & family have set dates for our baby showers and I've started planning the nursery - It's getting SO real and I am SO excited!!!

Thoughts: We have our 20 week ultrasound on January 15.  We're SUPER excited to see Baby H on the big screen!! Nick still thinks he's going to be able to determine if the baby is a boy or a girl - but that's not going to happen!!

The daycare search has started...and it's not going very well. I live in a small town and there aren't very many options for day care providers. There is one daycare center and it's full {I'm 2nd on the waiting list}. The in-home daycare provider that I was given a  good recommendations for is full.  Looks like I'll have to call the other 2 providers in town to see what is available?!?

My sister has started on the invites for my family shower and it's getting me excited for April to be here!! She's keeping most of it a secret, but she did share the shower invites with me and they're super cute!!



Monday, January 7, 2013

Baby H: Details

My plan for this blog is to convert it into a book {from snapfish} to document my pregnancy, so I wanted to write down some of the details of the early stages.  

The journey to pregnancy. When we got married {December 4, 2010}, we decided we wanted to be married 6-12 months before we started trying for a baby. I We had just planned a wedding - and didn't want to turn around and start planning for a baby right away. Instead, we wanted to enjoy being married for awhile - just the two of us. {Ideally, I would have wanted to wait longer before we started trying, but since I was 33 when we got married - we didn't have time on our side.}

We started trying in June 2011 thinking it would happen within a couple of forward to July 2012 and no pregnancy. At this point, we decided to go for testing to determine why things weren't happening on it's own. Both Nick & I had to go through different tests. Nick had 1 test - provide a sample - and I had 4 different tests to go through. {Men always have it easier!!}  The test results showed that everything was fine with me, but Nick had slow swimmers. So we decided we would start IUI the following month {October}. Ends up - we didn't need to do the procedure!!

One of the tests I did was to push dye up through my tubes to determine if there was any blockage. Our fertility doctor said that several couples end up pregnant after this test because if there was any kind of blockage - it can be cleared out during this procedure. They were also monitoring my under active thyroid closely {which can impact fertility} and changed my prescription. Between the tests, the change in my prescription and lots of prayers from friends & families - I believe this is why the pregnancy happened at this time.

When did you find out you were expecting? We found out on September 26. It was a complete surprise to us considering we had just been to the fertility specialist two weeks prior and had decided the next month we would start our first round of IUI. I didn't have any pregnancy tests at home {I had used them all in the early months and didn't want to continue wasting money on them}, so I used an ovulation test. I was SO excited when it showed a smiley face!! We were getting ready for work together, so I was able to show Nick right away.  He was SO excited {after I explained how you could use an ovulation tester to test for pregnancy but couldn't use a pregnancy test to test for ovulation} - we cried & hugged each other...we couldn't believe it had finally happened!! I did buy a regular pregnancy test later that day to confirm that we were pregnant.

Who did you tell? The first person I told was my best friend Ann - the day we found out we were expecting! She {along with most of our family & friends}  knew we were going to start IUI the next month and I couldn't wait to tell her the news!! The first person Nick told was his brother, Landon, a few days after we found out. We told a handful of other friends during the first 2 weeks - it's hard to keep it a secret when everyone was asking about the IUI and I couldn't hold back the exciting news anymore.  We knew we wanted to share this news with our parents as soon as be could - but wanted to tell them in person. We had pictures with Nick's family in early October, so I thought it would be a great time to tell his family and document the event!  My parents came to visit us the following weekend, so I was able to show them the pictures to announce the pregnancy!

Props for the family pictures...

I'm holding the sign announcing we're expecting and no one knows...
Showing everyone the sign...
{I love the smile on Nick's face in these pictures!!!}

Sickness/Symptoms? I have been SO lucky. I have not had any sickness with this pregnancy. There have been a couple times where I felt alittle "off"...but that was usually due to an empty stomach. All I had to do was eat carbs and felt better. I was able to continue my same workout routine during the first trimester and even ran 2 5K's. I am still trying to get on the treadmill 3x a week, but running makes me too sore so I have to stick with walking!

Due Date? Our due date is June 5. Which is a perfect due date when you're married to a farmer. Nick should be done with planting season, so he will be able to be home and enjoy the newborn stages!! I know it would be hard on me to be home alone all day & night with a new little one...but I also know he would be sad to miss out on the new little baby.

Are you going to find out what you're having? NOPE. I have no desire to find out. I love the idea of the surprise. Maybe it's because I'm such a planner and I don't have any control over this outcome?!?

What's up with Wubba?!? If you follow me on FB, you've probably seen the baby referred to as Wubba and thought "what is a Wubba?!?" That would be Nick's doing. When we first found out we were expecting - he didn't know what to refer to the baby as. He couldn't call it He or She since we didn't know what we're having {and aren't finding out}. He didn't like Peanut or other names that people usually call the little he came up with Wubba. What does it mean? He says that I'm going to get Chubba, so the baby should be called Wubba. {It might sound mean, but if you know my husband's humor - this totally fits him - and I call him Tubba so it all balances out}. So it started out as a joke...and now it has stuck.